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Re: [HTCondor-users] Job access to own Job and Machine ClassAds?

Hi Steffen,

Todd gave an interesting presentation on GPUs with HTCondor during the last European workshop
especially how to address multiple GPUs


On 15/05/2023 12.24, Steffen Grunewald wrote:
Good morning/afternoon/...,

we're facing a problem with GPU-bound jobs, and while investigating the best
approach to use a multi-GPU machine (I couldn't find an equivalent to CPU
sharing - as that is done by the kernel), I was wondering

- Does a job running in its slot have a means to read its own Job ClassAd,
and the Machine ClassAd of the slot it's running in?
- If the answer is yes, how to do it without Python bindings?

(The background is: If the OSG gets access to some of our GPUs, how do we
and how do the users make sure there are no collisions? If there's already
a canonical way to assign and use GPUs known to, and used by, everyone -
I'd like to join in... If there isn't, how to set up a standard?)


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