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Re: [HTCondor-users] ResidentSetSize report on Almalinux 9 and condor 10.5.0//23.0.0//23.0.1

[root@ce13 ~]# condor_q 21200475 21200476 -af ClusterId ProcId Owner RemoteHost ResidentSetSize/1024
21200475 0 lhpilot001 slot1_43@xxxxxxxxxxxx 12207
21200476 0 lhpilot001 slot1_51@xxxxxxxxxxxx 1708

Hi Carles:

I'm curious what the value that cgroup is reporting for this job is.  Can you tell us the contents of the "memory.current" value for the cgroup that job is in?

And the errors about the missing "memory.peak" files are ok.  I'll try to change the error message to indicate this better.
