[cbi-announce] new releases for Fedora Core 4

From: Ben Liblit <liblit@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 03 Aug 2005 14:25:21 -0500

The Cooperative Bug Isolation Project is now available for Fedora Core 4. We are pleased to offer the following instrumented applications:

  - Evolution 2.2.5
  - Gaim 1.4.0
  - The GIMP 2.2.7
  - GNOME Panel 2.10.1
  - Gnumeric 1.4.3
  - Nautilus 2.10.0
  - Rhythmbox 0.8.8 (includes iPod support!)
  - SPIM 7.1

Download at <http://www.cs.wisc.edu/cbi/downloads/>. We support yum, apt, and many other RPM updater tools; see <http://www.cs.wisc.edu/cbi/downloads/repo-config.html> for customized configuration help for any of our supported distributions and updater tools.

We hope that these additions will let even more of you participate in this project. Tell your friends! Tell your neighbors! The more of you there are, the more bugs we can find.

For those of you still on Fedora Core 1 or Fedora Core 2, please continue to use our packages. We intend to update and maintain FC1, FC2, and FC4 packages as long as there is time and interest.