[cbi-announce] new releases for Fedora 7

From: Ben Liblit <liblit@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 03 Jun 2007 12:37:37 -0500

I am pleased to announce that the Cooperative Bug Isolation Project is now available for Fedora 7. We currently offer the following instrumented applications:

  - Evolution 2.10.1
  - The GIMP 2.2.14
  - GNOME Panel 2.18.0
  - Gnumeric 1.6.3
  - Nautilus 2.18.1
  - Pidgin 2.0.1
  - Rhythmbox 0.10.0
  - SPIM 7.3

Download at <http://www.cs.wisc.edu/cbi/downloads/>. We support yum, apt, and many other RPM updater tools; see <http://www.cs.wisc.edu/cbi/downloads/repo-config.html> for customized configuration help for any of our supported distributions and updater tools. Or just download and install <http://www.cs.wisc.edu/cbi/downloads/rpm/fedora-7-i386/RPMS.tools/cbi-package-config-7-8.i386.rpm> to automatically configure most popular RPM updaters to use the CBI repository.

We hope that these additions will let even more of you participate in this project. It's that easy! Tell your friends! Tell your neighbors! The more of you there are, the more bugs we can find.

For those of you still on Fedora Core 1/2/4/5/6, please continue to use our packages. When and if you decide to upgrade to F7, we'll be ready for you. Until then, your participation remains valuable!

-- Dr. Ben, the CBI guy