Re: [classad-users] C++ library version 0.9.4

Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2002 08:22:51 -0600 (CST)
From: Alain Aslag Roy <roy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [classad-users] C++ library version 0.9.4
>I've just downloaded the version 0.9.4 and try to build it with namespaces 
>in :

Don't build it that way. I'm not that familiar with passing arguments like 
that to make. In my test, it doesn't work correctly. When you do it, you get:

>g++ -fno-implicit-templates -DWANT_NAMESPACES -c attrrefs.C

If you do just 'make' you get:

g++ -fno-implicit-templates -Wall -g -DCLASSAD_DISTRIBUTION -c attrrefs.C

It appears that the way you built completely overwrote the C_PLUS_FLAGS in 
the Makefile. I would suggest editing C_PLUS_FLAGS directly in the Makefile.

I'll make the next version of ClassAds take a configure option for 
namespaces, to simplify it.


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