Re: [classad-users] C++ library version 0.9.4

Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2002 08:49:31 -0600 (CST)
From: Laurent Aphecetche <aphecetc@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [classad-users] C++ library version 0.9.4

Alain Aslag Roy wrote:
>> I've just downloaded the version 0.9.4 and try to build it with 
>> namespaces in :
> Don't build it that way. I'm not that familiar with passing arguments 
> like that to make. In my test, it doesn't work correctly. When you do 
> it, you get:
>> g++ -fno-implicit-templates -DWANT_NAMESPACES -c attrrefs.C
> If you do just 'make' you get:
> g++ -fno-implicit-templates -Wall -g -DCLASSAD_DISTRIBUTION -c attrrefs.C
> It appears that the way you built completely overwrote the C_PLUS_FLAGS 
> in the Makefile. I would suggest editing C_PLUS_FLAGS directly in the 
> Makefile.

Thanks, it's working fine this way.

BTW, I would have another request, but realize it can be a little bit 
inconvenient for you, but well, it does not hurt to ask...

If one uses the classad library as part of a bigger C++ project, and 
that this bigger project uses only one install/include place, name 
clashes between classad .h and this project' .h files is likely. e.g. 
common.h in classad is probably a common (;-)) name... Would it be 
possible to prepend all classad include files (at least those that get 
installed) by a prefix, e.g. classad_ ? What do you think about that ?

Anyway, thanks for your prompt answer on the Makefile issue.

Best regards,

Dr. Laurent APHECETCHE (mailto:aphecetc@xxxxxxxx) (IN2P3-CNRS)
SUBATECH-EMN-4 rue Alfred Kastler-BP 20722-44307 NANTES cedex 03
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