[classad-users] Re: [condor-admin #10732] ClassAd

Date: Wed, 19 May 2004 11:50:59 -0500 (CDT)
From: Artem Harutyunyan <hartem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [classad-users] Re: [condor-admin #10732] ClassAd

 I am trying to compile a program on Windows XP, which needs classad 
library. I have compiled classad without any error, but when I am linking 
against classad.lib (version 0.9.5) I am getting the errors shown below. All 
unresolved externals are referenced from classad library components ( .obj files). 
BTW I am getting absolutely the SAME errors when trying to build 
"sample.C", which is included to classad distribution and is intended to be used as test.   

I want to pay your attention on third unresolved external 
(FunctionCall::matchPattern). The declaration of this method is 
enclosed into:

#ifndef WIN32

(see file fnCall.C from classad distribution)

In my understanding this will always cause unresolved  external as 
FunctionCall::matchPattern function is referneced in FunctionCall class
constructor ( FunctionCall::FunctionCall , see fnCall.C) 

Any ideas ? 

Thanks in advance ,

Build Log:

classad.lib(source.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol 
"public: static class AttributeReference * __cdecl 
AttributeReference::MakeAttributeReference(class ExprTree *,class 
_STL::basic_string,class _STL::allocator > const &,bool)" 
referenced in function "private: bool __thiscall 
ClassAdParser::parsePostfixExpression(class ExprTree * &)" 

classad.lib(sink.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: 
void __thiscall AttributeReference::GetComponents(class ExprTree * &,class 
_STL::basic_string,class _STL::allocator > &,bool &)const " 
referenced in function "public: void __thiscall 
ClassAdUnParser::Unparse(class _STL::basic_string,class _STL::allocator > 
&,class ExprTree const *)" 

classad.lib(fnCall.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol 
"private: static bool __cdecl FunctionCall::matchPattern(char const 
*,class _STL::vector > const &,class EvalState &,class Value &)" 
referenced in function "protected: __thiscall 
FunctionCall::FunctionCall(void)" (??0FunctionCall@@IAE@XZ)
.\Release/Classad_102.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 3 unresolved externals

>  Do you  succeed in compilation of "sample" under windows ? > > I've never done it.
> >If so, I will
> >be very grateful if you provide me information about version of your
> >Windows ( XP or Win2000), name and version of used compiler and version of
> >used STLport.
> We have one compiler who did it with STLPort 4.6.0 and Visual C++ 6.0. I 
> don't know if he's on Windows 2000 or Windows XP. He used a fairly new 
> Microsoft Platform SDK.
> -alain
> ========================================
> ========================================
> * From: Alain Roy <roy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> * Ticket Email List: hartem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, 

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