Re: [Gems-users] Cache block replacement policy

Date: Sun, 20 Nov 2005 22:57:36 -0600
From: Alaa Alameldeen <alaa@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] Cache block replacement policy

Your coherence protocol should be using one of the CacheMemory classes in ruby/system/. You should check your protocol cache controller file to determine which class you are using. For example, MOSI_SMP_bcast uses the CacheMemory object (ruby/system/CacheMemory.h) since it defines its caches in the file as:

  CacheMemory L2cacheMemory ...

To modify the default replacement algorithm, you should change some functions in the correct CacheMemory class definition (e.g., cacheProbe(), setMRU(), allocate()), or you can define your own CacheMemory class and use it.


arrvindh shriraman wrote:

How can I change the default cache block replacement policy ?
Are there any fixed policies provided in Ruby. I am assuming current policy is pseudo-LRU. I want to assign higher priority to some lines for eg: Lines in 'M' get higher priority than OESI.


Arrvindh Shriraman
Conputer Science Department
University of Rochester
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