Re: [Gems-users] Error loading module 'ruby': Module 'ruby' not found

Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2006 16:11:31 -0700 (PDT)
From: Dave <zhu_dave@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] Error loading module 'ruby': Module 'ruby' not found
There is no failed modules, and I'm attaching the output of list-modules. Thanks.     

bobba@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Can you report the output of 'list-failed-modules' and 'list-modules' on


> It didn't work.
> Mike Marty wrote: Try removing the
> simics/x86-linux/lib/modules.cache file
> Dave wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I've booted solaris 10 on sarek, and then written a checkpoint
>> (after_boot.conf). Then, I've loaded the checkpoint and configured
>> simics for ruby. But I've got the "Error loading module 'ruby': Module
>> 'ruby' not found" error. What could be the problem? Please help. Thank
>> you.
>> Dave
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AM29F016                                            | i21150                                              | scsi-bus                    YES      no            
AM79C960                                            | i21152                                              | scsi-cdrom                  YES      no            
AT24C164                                            | i21554                                              | scsi-disk                   YES      no            
AT24CS256                                           | i21555                                              | serengeti-console           YES      no            
BCM5703C                                            | i2c-bus                                             | serengeti-schizo            YES      no            
BCM5704C                                            | ia64-itanium                                        | serengeti-system            YES      no            
CS8900A                                             | ia64-itanium2                                       | server-console-c                                   
CY82C693                                            | id-splitter                                         | service-node                                       
DEC21041                                            | ide                                                 | set-memory                                         
DEC21140A                                           | io-apic                                             | simple-byte-dump                                   
DEC21143                                            | isa                                                 | sparc-irq-bus               YES      no            
DS12887                                             | jalapeno-mmu                                        | sparc-u2                                           
DS1621                                              | local-space-mapper                                  | sparc-u2-ma                                        
DS1743P                                             | logical-memory-translator                           | sparc-u2-turbo                                     
DS17485                                             | malta                                               | sparc-u3                                           
FAS366U                                             | mips-4kc                                            | sparc-u3-cache                                     
GT64120                                             | mips-4kc-turbo                                      | sparc-u3-ma                                        
ICS951601                                           | new-flash-memory                                    | sparc-u3-turbo              YES      no            
ISP1040                                             | ooo-micro-arch                                      | spitfire-mmu                                       
ISP2200                                             | pc-config                                           | state-assertion                                    
LX164-IRQ-PLD                                       | pc-shadow                                           | strata-flash                                       
LX164-NVRAM                                         | pci-bus                     YES      no             | sun-keyboard                                       
M41T11                                              | pcie-switch                                         | sun-mouse                                          
M5823                                               | piix4                                               | sun4u-fasdma                                       
MD1535D                                             | ppc405gp                                            | sunfire-devices                                    
MK48T08                                             | ppc405gp-turbo                                      | sunfire-psycho                                     
NS16450                                             | ppc440gp                                            | sunfire-sysio                                      
NS16550                                             | ppc440gp-turbo                                      | sunfire-system                                     
PCF8582C                                            | ppc440gx                                            | symtable                                           
PCF8584                                             | ppc440gx-turbo                                      | trace                                              
PCF8587                                             | ppc603e                                             | trans-staller                                      
PCI0646                                             | ppc603e-turbo                                       | v9-sol9-idle-opt                                   
SA1110                                              | ppc7400                                             | vga                                                
SIO82378ZB                                          | ppc7400-turbo                                       | vga-pci                                            
SYM53C810                                           | ppc7447                                             | voodoo3                                            
SYM53C875                   YES      no             | ppc7447-turbo                                       | voodoo3-agp                                        
Z8530                                               | ppc7450                                             | wire                                               
alpha-ev5                                           | ppc7450-turbo                                       | x11-console                                        
apic                                                | ppc7457                                             | x86-486sx                                          
apm                                                 | ppc7457-turbo                                       | x86-486sx-turbo                                    
armv5te                                             | ppc750                                              | x86-hammer                                         
artesyn-pm-ppc                                      | ppc750-turbo                                        | x86-hammer-ma                                      
central                     YES      no             | ppc750fx                                            | x86-hammer-turbo                                   
cheerio-e2bus               YES      no             | ppc750fx-turbo                                      | x86-p2                                             
cheerio-hme                 YES      no             | ppc750gx                                            | x86-p2-turbo                                       
cheetah+mmu                 YES      no             | ppc750gx-turbo                                      | x86-p4                                             
cheetah-mmu                                         | python-frontend             YES      no             | x86-p4-ma                                          
clock                                               | pyxis                                               | x86-p4-turbo                                       
consistency-controller                              | ragexl                                              | x86_tlb                                            
cpc700                                              | real-network                                        | x87_exception                                      
ebony-fpga                                          | recorder                    YES      no             | xterm-console               YES      no            
eth-transceiver                                     | rom-device                                          |                                                    
ethernet-link                                       | sample-device                                       |        
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