Re: [Gems-users] counting number of hits and misses

Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2006 22:12:15 -0600 (CST)
From: Mike Marty <mikem@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] counting number of hits and misses
> I think it is in the CacheMemory.h, but not 100%
> Try search the string that is printed when you call ruby0.dumpstats
> (or it could be ruby0.dump_stats).

To profile L2 misses in a CMP protocol, the Slicc controller makes calls
to the profiler (ruby/profiler/Profiler.C).

For example, in the file, the
uu_profileMiss action is called on every L2 miss.  This in turn will
invoke an indirection through
ruby/slicc_interface/RubySlicc_Profiler_interface.C to call the
Profiler::addSecondaryStatSample() function.  Here you can add the
requestor ID.

I don't believe the other CMP protocols currently call these functions on
a miss, but it would be straightforward to add (and should have been there
in the first place if missing).


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