Re: [Gems-users] Adding cpu info to the Ruby trace

Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2006 09:18:54 +0800
From: "hongxia sun" <sunhx.seraph@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] Adding cpu info to the Ruby trace
Hi, Enric,
You can go into /ruby/simics where define the interface between simics and ruby.
Best Regards,
Hongxia SUN

2006/11/23, Enric Herrero <enricherrero@xxxxxxxx>:

I would like to add the Cpu state to the information given by the memory trace.
I'm thinking to add some functions of the simics API to the code that generates the memory trace.
However, I don't find in which part of the ruby code is the trace generated.
Any idea?

Thank you

Enric Herrero

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