[Gems-users] COMMIT_XACT cache request in LogTM

Date: Fri, 03 Oct 2008 17:30:30 +0200
From: Lois Orosa Nogueira <lois.orosa@xxxxxx>
Subject: [Gems-users] COMMIT_XACT cache request in LogTM
Hi list,

I'm looking the sequencer.C, and I see in the function getNumberOutstandingDemand() the code:

    Vector<Address> keys = m_readRequestTable_ptr[p]->keys();
    for (int i=0; i< keys.size(); i++) {
      CacheMsg& request = m_readRequestTable_ptr[p]->lookup(keys[i]);
      // don't count transactional begin/commit requests
      if(request.getType() != CacheRequestType_BEGIN_XACT && request.getType() != CacheRequestType_COMMIT_XACT){
        if(request.getPrefetch() == PrefetchBit_No){

I thought that commit and begin magic instructions didn't arrive at sequencer (I thought that it arrived directly to TransactionInterfaceManager). Can somebody explain me this??

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