Re: [Gems-users] Chips, Processors, and Threads Configuration Rules

Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2008 13:55:12 -0500 (CDT)
From: Luke Yen <lyen@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] Chips, Processors, and Threads Configuration Rules

There is a bug with the script in 1) reading the correct checkpoint for SMT and 2) setting the correct value for g_NUM_PROCESSORS when SMT is enabled.

The main confusion arises because g_NUM_PROCESSORS has a different meaning in Ruby when SMT is used. Under Ruby, g_NUM_PROCESSORS represents the PHYSICAL number of processors seen by the memory subsystem, not the LOGICAL number of processors.

  So let's take an example from below.

 2c_2p_4t      16              4               2               2

You need to open a checkpoint that contains 16 (logical) processors. With 4 SMT threads/processor Ruby needs to build a memory subsystem for 4 physical processors. The memory subsystem doesn't care about how many HW thread contexts there are, just how many physical "driver" processors submit memory requests. So set g_NUM_PROCESSORS in Ruby to 4

  These are the invariants:

   LOGICAL_PROCESSORS = number procs used to load the checkpoint
                      = g_NUM_SMT_THREADS*g_PROCS_PER_CHIP*g_NUM_CHIPS

When running with 1 SMT thread/processor, LOGICAL_PROCESSORS == g_NUM_PROCESSORS.

    I will add a wiki entry to the GEMS wiki to clarify this.


On Wed, 15 Oct 2008, Fred A Bower wrote:

I want to be certain that I am not doing something unsupported in my
SMT-enabled CMP configurations.  As background, I would like to use Opal
at times, so have created a set of Serengeti-based systems with UltraSPARC
III+ processors.  The configurations I have are 2, 4, 8, 16, and 24
processor machines, as 24 is the maximum supported by the Serengeti
chassis (and therefore Simics for this CPU type, by my understanding).

What I would like to verify is what the configuration rules are around the
Ruby parameters for SMT and CMP systems.  The parameters in question are:


I think the largest confusing factor is the g_NUM_SMT_THREADS variable and
how to treat it in relation to the number of processors in the Simics
checkpoint.  For example, if I have my 16-processor checkpoint, are all of
the following configurations legal for use with the checkpoint?

1c_1p_16t	16		16		1		1
1c_2p_8t	16		8		2		1
2c_2p_4t	16		4		2		2

If so, is the correct interpretation that the invariants are:

g_NUM_PROCESSORS == Simics Checkpoint Processor Count

The pitfall I ran into is that sets g_NUM_PROCESSORS to
chips*processors_per_chip and leaves smt_threads out of the calculation.
The way I have my checkpoints loading now, this results in the wrong
checkpoint getting loaded (and a SIGSEGV shortly thereafter in Ruby-only

If my reasoning is incorrect, can somebody please point me to the
documentation to better explain the configuration rules/limits or provide
a response here?


Department of Computer Science, Duke University,
Durham, NC 27708-0129 Email:  fredb@xxxxxxxxxxx
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