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[Condor-users] job goes held

Hi all,

i am extremely new to condor usage. whenever i submit
my job through condor_submit, job first goes to idle
status, and then goes held. i am finding it difficult
to figure out where the problem really lies.

--this is the outpur from condor_q command, 

-- Submitter: localhost.localdomain :
<> : localhost.localdomain
 ID      OWNER            SUBMITTED     RUN_TIME ST
 42.0   arif           10/12 03:51   0+00:00:00 I  0  
0.0  myscript.sh TestJo
  43.0   arif           10/12 03:57   0+00:00:00 H  0 
 0.0  myscript.sh TestJo
  44.0   arif           10/12 12:53   0+00:00:00 I  0 
 0.0  myscript.sh TestJo

-- This is the log details for the last job

000 (044.000.000) 10/12 12:53:30 Job submitted from
host: <>
018 (044.000.000) 10/12 12:53:33 Globus job submission
    Reason: 7 authentication failed: GSS Major Status:
Unexpected Gatekeeper or Service Name GSS Minor Status
Error Chain:  init.c:499:
globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context_async: Error during
context initialization 
012 (044.000.000) 10/12 12:53:38 Job was held.
	Globus error 7: authentication failed: GSS Major
Status: Unexpected Gatekeeper or Service Name GSS
Minor Status Error Chain:  init.c:499:
globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context_async: Error during
context initialization 
	Code 2 Subcode 7

--configuration files are setup as follows

[arif@Cern1-8 scratch]$ condor_config_val -config
Config file:
Local config file:

my grid-map file containst the following entries


condor, globus was installed and configured using VDT
1.2.4 seup. In my view, certificates/authentication
issues are configurd nicely using Simple-CA setup.

one more thing, whenever i issue condor_status
it results in the following output

[arif@Cern1-8 scratch]$ condor_status
Error:  Could not fetch ads --- can't find collector

while this daemon is specified in the config file.

i will be very thankful if anyone can quickly help me
in resolving the above problem .




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