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[Condor-users] Job Submission Blues

Hello Everyone,

I am still facing a lot of problems with Job submission.
We are using Condor on 4 WinXP machines, when I tried submitting the
job to other machine from central manager, I received the followng


C:\Condor\examples\printname>condor_submit name.sub -n xxxxx.xxx.xxxxx.xx.xx
in -s -v -a copy_to_spool=false

ERROR: Failed to set QDate=1145351174 for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set CompletionDate=0 for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set Owner="condor" for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set RemoteWallClockTime=0.000000 for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set LocalUserCpu=0.000000 for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set LocalSysCpu=0.000000 for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set RemoteUserCpu=0.000000 for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set RemoteSysCpu=0.000000 for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set ExitStatus=0 for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set NumCkpts=0 for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set NumRestarts=0 for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set NumSystemHolds=0 for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set CommittedTime=0 for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set TotalSuspensions=0 for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set LastSuspensionTime=0 for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set CumulativeSuspensionTime=0 for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set ExitBySignal=FALSE for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set CondorVersion="$CondorVersion: 6.6.11 Mar 23 2006 $" for jo
b 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set CondorPlatform="$CondorPlatform: INTEL-WINNT50 $" for job 1

ERROR: Failed to set Iwd="C:\Condor\examples\printname" for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set JobUniverse=5 for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set Cmd="C:\Condor\examples\printname\printname.bat" for job 19

ERROR: Failed to set MinHosts=1 for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set MaxHosts=1 for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set CurrentHosts=0 for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set WantRemoteSyscalls=FALSE for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set WantCheckpoint=FALSE for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set JobStatus=5 for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set HoldReason="Spooling input data files" for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set EnteredCurrentStatus=1145351205 for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set JobPrio=0 for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set NiceUser=FALSE for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set Env="path=c:\winnt\system32" for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set JobNotification=2 for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set UserLog="C:\Condor\examples\printname\printname.log" for jo
b 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set CoreSize=4560824 for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set Rank=0.000000 for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set In="/dev/null" for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set TransferIn=FALSE for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set Out="printname.out" for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set Err="printname.err" for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set BufferSize=524288 for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set BufferBlockSize=32768 for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set ShouldTransferFiles="YES" for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set WhenToTransferOutput="ON_EXIT" for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set TransferFiles="ONEXIT" for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set ImageSize=1 for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set ExecutableSize=1 for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set DiskUsage=1 for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set Requirements=(Arch == "INTEL") && (OpSys == "WINNT51") && (
Disk >= DiskUsage) && ((Memory * 1024) >= ImageSize) && (HasFileTransfer) for jo
b 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set PeriodicHold=FALSE for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set PeriodicRelease=FALSE for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set PeriodicRemove=FALSE for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set OnExitHold=FALSE for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set OnExitRemove=TRUE for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set LeaveJobInQueue=JobStatus == 4 && (CompletionDate =?= UNDEF
INED || ((CurrentTime - CompletionDate) < 864000)) for job 1904.-1

ERROR: Failed to set Args="" for job 1904.-1

ERROR "Assertion ERROR on (current_cluster_ad)" at line 4116 in file ..\src\cond


And If I dont add copy_to_spool option I receive error failed to
transfer executable.

Jobs are still getting rejected generally because of "Job Requirements".

Please suggest, what am I missing?

Thanks for helping.

Sawan Gupta