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[Condor-users] Initial installation - I don't understand why the job cannot write its own file?

I have installed Condor on a small cluster on its own private network.
The master has 2 interfaces (outside network , cluster network). I've
got it configured so that jobs can be submitted and they run on the
nodes, with minimal chages to the default configuration. 

However, there is a peculiar problem that I cannot figure out.

When the (vanilla) job starts, the output file is created, belongong to
the submitting user, with permissions -rw-r--r--  Then the job gets
held, with the log message: 

 "Error from starter on vm2@xxxxxxx : Failed to open
'/home/myuser/q/loop.out' as standard output: Permission denied (errno

The job runs as  'nobody',  but the file is created with ownership of
the submitting user. This doesn't seem right. 

I tried altering the UID_DOMAIN to all different things that I could
think of (domain of the master's outside, domain of the private network,
* ) with no difference in this behaviour. 

I thought this file should be created in /local/condor/execute , where
/local/condor is defined in the configuration file by LOCAL_DIR, not in
the submitting working directory, anyways? That is what I would like, I
thought that was the default for vanilla jobs? 

Any suggestions appreciated,


#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main (){
  int i;


# Submit description file for loop program
Executable     = loopit
Universe       = vanilla
Output         = loop.out
Log            = loop.log
TARGET.FileSystemDomain = *