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[Condor-users] Parallel Jobs fails to launch sshd


I am trying to run Parallel jobs using condor (6.8.4) and MPICH2.

Looks like there is some problem in running condor/libexec/sshd.sh seems.

And failing to launch sshd, exactly here

$SSHD -p$PORT -oAuthorizedKeysFile=${idkey}.pub -h$hostkey -De -f/dev/null -oStrictModes=no -oPidFile=/dev/null -oAcceptEnv=_CONDOR < /dev/null > sshd.out 2>&1 &


And complaints about AcceptEnv


Could you please let me know what might be the problem?





I am seeing following error msg under /condor/execute/dir*



command-line: line 0: Bad configuration option: AcceptEnv




++ pwd

+ export PWD=/home/condor/execute/dir_2723

+ PWD=/home/condor/execute/dir_2723

+ export MPD_CONF_FILE=/home/condor-nobody/.mpd.conf

+ MPD_CONF_FILE=/home/condor-nobody/.mpd.conf

+ export MPICH_PORT_RANGE=50001:59999

+ MPICH_PORT_RANGE=50001:59999



++ condor_config_val libexec

+ CONDOR_SSH=/usr/PittGrid/condor/libexec

+ CONDOR_SSH=/usr/PittGrid/condor/libexec/condor_ssh

++ condor_config_val libexec

+ SSHD_SH=/usr/PittGrid/condor/libexec

+ SSHD_SH=/usr/PittGrid/condor/libexec/sshd.sh

+ . /usr/PittGrid/condor/libexec/sshd.sh 0 1

++ trap sshd_cleanup 15

+++ condor_config_val CONDOR_SSHD

++ SSHD=/usr/sbin/sshd

+++ condor_config_val CONDOR_SSH_KEYGEN

++ KEYGEN=/usr/bin/ssh-keygen

+++ condor_config_val libexec

++ CONDOR_CHIRP=/usr/PittGrid/condor/libexec

++ CONDOR_CHIRP=/usr/PittGrid/condor/libexec/condor_chirp

++ PORT=4444

++ _CONDOR_REMOTE_SPOOL_DIR=/u/condor/spool/cluster75436.proc0.subproc0



++ mkdir /home/condor/execute/dir_2723/tmp

++ hostkey=/home/condor/execute/dir_2723/tmp/hostkey

++ /bin/rm -f /home/condor/execute/dir_2723/tmp/hostkey /home/condor/execute/dir_2723/tmp/hostkey.pub

++ /usr/bin/ssh-keygen -q -f /home/condor/execute/dir_2723/tmp/hostkey -t rsa -N ''

++ '[' 0 -ne 0 ']'

++ idkey=/home/condor/execute/dir_2723/tmp/0.key

++ /usr/bin/ssh-keygen -q -f /home/condor/execute/dir_2723/tmp/0.key -t rsa -N ''

++ '[' 0 -ne 0 ']'

++ /usr/PittGrid/condor/libexec/condor_chirp put -perm 0700 /home/condor/execute/dir_2723/tmp/0.key /u/condor/spool/cluster75436.proc0.subproc0/0.key

++ '[' 0 -ne 0 ']'

++ done=0

++ '[' 0 -eq 0 ']'

++ /usr/sbin/sshd -p4444 -oAuthorizedKeysFile=/home/condor/execute/dir_2723/tmp/0.key.pub -h/home/condor/execute/dir_2723/tmp/hostkey -De -f/dev/null -oStrictModes=no -oPidFile=/dev/null -oAcceptEnv=_CONDOR

++ pid=2740

++ sleep 2

++ grep 'Server listening' sshd.out

+++ expr 4444 + 1

++ PORT=4445

++ '[' 0 -eq 0 ']'

++ /usr/sbin/sshd -p4445 -oAuthorizedKeysFile=/home/condor/execute/dir_2723/tmp/0.key.pub -h/home/condor/execute/dir_2723/tmp/hostkey -De -f/dev/null -oStrictModes=no -oPidFile=/dev/null -oAcceptEnv=_CONDOR

++ pid=2745

++ sleep 2

++ grep 'Server listening' sshd.out