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[Condor-users] Machines match but reject for unknown reasons

I can't seem to convince condor to run any parallel job.  I have a pool of
one dual-ore OS X machine (ntel Core 2 Duo) and one dual-processor Windows
XP machine; the OS X machine is the master.  The only thing condor_q
-analyze ever says is "2 machinesmatch but reject for unknown reasons".

I have included the Negotiator [1] and SchedLog [2] (with ALL_DEBUG =
D_ALL) immediately after submit, as well as the job description file [3].  I
have been battling this for several days now, and am at a loss.

I've read that a common cause of this is DNS problems; I have put AL_DEBUG
= D_HOSTNAME and carefully investigated this, and all name resolution seems
to e work.  I am sitting in front of both machines and therefore an easily
check the real IPs; and they ar the same as what DNS thinks.

My condor master is running as root, and I have a `condor' user whichthe
daemons use.  The only authentication which should matter is FS, since (as
the logs say it is the first choice and it succeeds, because I'm submitting
from the machine that matches my job requirements.

The value of Start for the various machines(which I learned of from anothe
post) may be helpful in ruling out certain problems:

     condor_status -startd -format "%s" Machine -format ": Start = %s\n"
     s889069.srn.sandia.gov: Start = TRE
     s889069.srn.sandia.gov Start = TRUE
     R437217.srn.sandia.gov: Start = TRUE
     R47217.srn.sandia.gov: Start = TRUE

Please let me know if there is any other information that would be helpful.


[1 NegotiatorLog ]
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) ACCEPT from=<> newfd=7
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) in DaemonCore NewTimer()
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709)
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> Timers
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> ~~~~~~
7/6 14:04:2 (fd:8) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 10, when = 1183752325,
period = 0, handler_descrp=<dc_touch_log_file>
7/6 14:04:32 (f:8) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 0, when = 1183752339,
period = 120, handler_desrip=<check_parent>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 4, when = 118372445,
period = 240, handler_descrip=<self_monitor>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 11, when = 1183752472,
eriod = 0, handler_descrip=<DaemonCore::HandleReqSocketTimerHandler>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 2, when = 118352505,
period = 300, handler_descrip=<check_session_cache>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 7, when = 1183752505,
period = 300, handler_descrip=<Time to negotiate>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709)DaemonCore--> id = 8, when = 1183752506,
period = 300, handler_descrip=<Update Collector>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 6, when = 1183753375,
period = 1170, handler_descrip=<DaemonCore::SendAliveToParent>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 3, when = 1183754006,
period = 1801, handler_descrip=<handle_cookie_refresh>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 5, when = 1183781004,
period = 0, handler_descrip=<DaemonCore::ReInit()>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709)
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) leaving DaemonCoreNewTimer, id=11
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709)
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> Sockets Registred
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> 0: 10 <NULL> DC Command Handler
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> 1: 11 <NULL> DC Command Handler
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> 2: 7 Incoming command
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709)
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) In DaemonCore Timeout()
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709)
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> Timers
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> ~~~~~~
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 10, when = 1183752325,
period = 0, hander_descrip=<dc_touch_log_file>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 0, when = 1183752339,
period = 120, handler_descrip=<check_parent>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 4, when = 1183752445,
period = 240, handler_descrip=<self_monitor>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 11, when = 1183752472,
period = 0, handler_descrip=<DaemonCore::HandleReqSocketTimerHandler>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 2, when = 1183752505,
period = 300, handler_descrip=<check_session_cache>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pi:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 7, when = 1183752505,
period = 300, handler_descrip=<Time to negotiate>
7/6 14:0:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 8, when = 118375206,
period = 300, handler_descrip=<Update Collector>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) DaemonCore-> id = 6, when = 1183753375,
period = 1170, handler_descrip=<DaemonCore::SendAliveToParent>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 3, when = 1183754006,
period = 1801, handler_descrip=<handle_cookie_refresh>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 5, when = 118378104,
period = 0, handler_descrip=<DaemonCore::ReInit()>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709)
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) DaemonCre Timeout() Complete, returning 53
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) Clling Handler
<DaemonCore::HandleReqSocketHandler> for Socket <Incoming command>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) In cancel_timer(), id=11
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) Cancel_Socket: cancelled socket 2 <Incoming
command> 0x110f8f0
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709)
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) DaemonCore-> Sockets Registered
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:270) DaemonCore--> 0: 10 <NULL> DC Command Handler
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> 1: 11 <NULL> DC Command Hadler
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709)
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) condor_read(): nfds=8
7/6 14:04:32 (f:8) (pid:209) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) condor_read(): fds=8
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8 (pid:2709) condor_read(): nfds=8
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) condor_read():nfound=1
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) DC_AUTHENTICATE: received DC_AUTHENTICATE
from <>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) DC_AUTHENTICATE: rceived following ClassAd:
MyType = "(unknown type)"
TargetType = "(unknown type)"
AuthMethos = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"
Authentication = "OPTIONAL"
Encryption = "OPTIONAL"
Intgrity = "OPTIONAL"
Enact = "NO"
Subsystem = "SCHEDD"
ParentUniqueID = "s889069:2707:1183752204"
ServerPid = 2710
SessinDuration = "8640000"
NewSession = "YES"
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
ServerCommandSock = "<>"
Command = 60010
AuthCommand = 421
ServerTime = 1183752272
7/6 14:0432 (fd:8) (pid:2709) DC_AUTHENTICATE: our_policy:
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
AuthMethods = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
CryptoMethods ="3DES,BLOWFISH"
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"
Authentication = "OPTIONAL"
Encryption = "OPTIONAL"
Integrity = "OPTIONAL"
Enact = "O"
Subsystem = "NEGOTIATOR"
ParentUniqueID = "s889069:2707:1183752204"
SrverPid = 2709
SessionDuration = "8640000"
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) DC_AUTHENTICATE: the_policy:
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"
Integrity = "NO"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
SessionDuration = "8640000"
Enact = "YES"
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) SECMAN: Sending following response ClassAd:
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"
Integrity = "NO"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
SessionDuration = "8640000"
Enact = "YES"
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
7/6 14:4:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) DC_AUTHENTICATE: not authenticating.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) DC_AUTHENTICATE: sending session ad:
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
Sid = "s889069:2709:1183752272:0"
ValidCommands = "60017,421"
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) DC_AUTHENTICATE: sent session
s889069:2709:1183752272:0 info!
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) DC_AUTHENTICATE: added incoming session id
s889069:2709:1183752272:0 to cache for 8640000 seconds (return address is
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"
Integrity = "NO"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFSH"
SessionDuration = "8640000"
Enact = "YES"
Subsystem = "SCHEDD"
ServerCommandSock = "<>"
ParentUniqueID = "s889069:2707:1183752204"
ServerPid = 2710
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
Sid = "s889069:2709:1183752272:0"
ValidCommands = "60017,421"
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) CLOSE <> fd=7
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) In DaemonCore Timeout()
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709)
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> Timers
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> ~~~~~~
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 10, when = 1183752325,
period = 0, handler_descrip=<dc_touch_log_file>
/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 0, when = 1183752339,
period = 120, handler_descrip=<check_parent>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 4, when = 1183752445,
period = 240, handler_descrip=<self_monitor>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 2, when = 1183752505,
period = 300, handler_descrip=<check_session_cache>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 7, when = 1183752505,
period = 300, handler_descrip=<Time to neotiate>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 8, when = 1183752506,
period = 30, handler_descrip=<Update Collector>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 6, when = 1183753375,
period = 1170, handler_descip=<DaemonCore::SendAliveToParent>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 3, when = 1183754006,
period = 1801, handler_descrip=<handle_cookie_refresh>
7/6 14:0432 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 5, when = 1183781004,
period = 0, handler_descrip=<DaemonCore::ReInit()>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709)
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore Timeout() Complete, returning 53
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) RECV 584 bytes at <>
from <>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709)     Full msg [584 bytes]
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DC_AUTHENTICATE: received UDP packet from
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DC_AUTHENTICATE: received DC_AUTHENTICATE
from <>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DC_AUTHENTICATE: received following ClassAd:
MyType = "(unknown type)"
TargetType = "(unknown type)"
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"
Subsystem = "SCHEDD"
ParentUniqueID = "s889069:2707:1183752204"
ServerPid = 2710
SessionDuration = "8640000"
AuthCommand = 421
Enact = "YES"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"
Integrity = "NO"
UseSession = "YES"
Sid = "s889069:2709:1183752272:0"
ValidCommands = "60017,421"
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
ServerCommandSock = "<>"
Command = 421
ServerTime = 1183752272
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DC_AUTHENTICATE: resuming session id
s889069:2709:1183752272:0 with retrn address <>:
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DC_UTHENTICATE: Cached Session:
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO
Integrity = "NO"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
SessionDuration = "8640000"
Enact = "YES"
Subsystem = "SCHEDD"
ServerCommandSock = "<>"
ParentUniqueID = "s889069:2707:1183752204"
ServerPid = 2710
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
Sid = "s889069:2709:1183752272:0"
ValidCommands = "60017,421"
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DC_AUTHENTICATE: setting sock->decode()
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DC_AUTHENTICATE: allowing an empty message
for sock.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DC_AUTHENTICATE: Success.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) IPVERIFY: atched with *.srn.sandia.gov
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore: Command received via UDP from
host <>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore: received command 421
(Reschedule), calling handler (RESCHEDULE_commandHandler)
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) In reset_timer(), id=7, time=0, period=300
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) in DaemonCore NewTimer()
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) In cancel_timer(), id=7
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) Renewing timer id 7 for 0 secs
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709)
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> Timers
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> ~~~~~~
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pi:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 7, when = 1183752272,
period = 300, handler_descrip=<Time to negotiate>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 10, when = 1183752325,
period = 0, handler_descrip=<dc_touch_log_file>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 0, when = 1183752339,
period = 120, handler_descrip=<check_parent>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 4, when = 1183752445,
period = 240, handler_descrip=<self_monitor>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 2, when = 1183752505,
period = 300, handler_descrip=<check_session_cache>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 8, when = 118372506,
period = 300, handler_descrip=<Update Collector>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 6, when = 1183753375,
period = 1170, handler_descrip=<DaemonCore::SendAliveToParent>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 3, when = 1183754006,
period = 1801, handler_descrip=<handle_cookie_refresh>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 5, when = 1183781004,
period = 0, handler_descrip=<DaemonCore::ReInit()>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709)
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) leaving DaemonCore NewTimer, id=7
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) In DaemonCore Timeout()
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709)
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709 DaemonCore--> Timers
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> ~~~~~~
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 7, when = 1183752272,
period = 300, handler_descrip=<Time to negotiate>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 10, when = 1183752325,
period = 0, handler_descrip=<dc_touch_log_file>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 0, when = 1183752339,
period = 120, handler_descrip=<check_parent>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 4, when = 1183752445,
period = 240, handler_descrip=<self_monitor>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 2, when = 1183752505,
period = 300, handler_descrip=<heck_session_cache>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 8, when = 1183752506,
period = 300, handler_descrip=<Update Collector>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 6, when = 1183753375,
period = 1170, handler_descrip=<DaemonCore::SendAliveToParent>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 3, when = 1183754006,
period = 1801, handler_descrip=<handle_cookie_refresh>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 5, when = 1183781004,
period = 0, handler_descrip=<DaemonCore::ReInit()>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709)
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore: Calling handler for Timer 7 (Time
to negotiate
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) NEGOTIATOR_CYCLE_DELAY is undefined, using
default value of 20
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) ---------- Started Negotiation Cycle
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) Phase 1:  Obtaining ads from collector ...
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709)   Getting all public ads ...
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) Trying to query collector
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) NEGOTIATOR_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER is undefined,
using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) New Daemon obj (collector) name: "NULL",
pool: "NULL", addr: "<>"
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) Alread have address, no info to locate
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) Address "<>" specified
but no name, looking up host info
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) Trying to find full hostname from hostent
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) Main name in hostent "s889069.srn.sandia.gov"
is fully qualified
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) Querying collector <>
(s889069.srn.sandia.gov) with classad:
MyType = "Query"
TargetType = "Any"
Requirements = TRUE
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709)  --- End of Query ClassAd ---
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) PRIV_CONDOR --> PRIV_ROT at sock.C:526
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) PRIV_ROOT --> PRIV_CONDOR at sok.C:532
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) CONNECT src=<> fd=7
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) STARTCOMMAND: starting 48 to
<> on TCP port 50675.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) SECMAN: command 48 to <>
on TCP port 50675 (blocking).
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) SECMAN: using session
s889069:2708:1183752205:0 for {<>,<48>}.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) SECMAN: found cached session id
s889069:2708:1183752205:0 for {<>,<48>}.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) SEC_DEBUG_PRINT_KEYS is undefined, using
defaut value of False
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"
Subsystem = "NEGOTIATOR"
ParentUniqueID = "s889069:2707:1183752204"
ServerPid = 2709
SessionDuration = "8640000"
ServerCommandSock = "<>"
Command = 48
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
Enact = "YES"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"
Integrity = "NO"
UseSession = "YES"
Sid = "s889069:2708:1183752205:0"
ValidCommands = "5,6,7,9,12,43,46,48,50,53,56,60007,60011,457"
7/6 14:04:32(fd:8) (pid:2709) SECMAN: Security Policy:
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"
Subsystem = "NEGOTIATOR"
ParentUniqueID = "s889069:2707:1183752204"
ServerPid = 2709
SessionDuration = "8640000"
ServerCommandSock = "<>"
Command = 48
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
Enact = "YES"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AutMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"
Integrity = "NO"
UseSession = "YES"
Sid = "s889069:2708:1183752205:0"
ValidCommands = "5,67,9,12,43,46,48,50,53,56,60007,60011,457"
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) SECMAN: negotiating security for command 48.7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) SECMAN: sending DC_AUTHENTICATE command
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) SECMAN: sending folowing classad:
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"
Subsystem = "NEGOTIATOR"
ParentUniqueID= "s889069:2707:1183752204"
ServerPid = 2709
SessionDuration = "8640000"
Enact = "YES"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROSGSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"
Integrity = "N"
UseSession = "YES"
Sid = "s889069:2708:1183752205:0"
ValidCommands = "5,6,7,9,12,43,46,48,50,53,56,60007,60011,457"
Remoteersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
ServerCommandSock = "<>"
Command = 48
7/6 1404:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) SECMAN: startCommand succeeded.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) CLOSE < fd=7
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) Destroying Daemon object:
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) Type: 5 (collector), Name: (null), Addr:>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) FullHost: s889069.srn.sandia.gov, Host:
s889069, Pool: (null), Port: 9618
76 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) IsLocal: N, IdStr: (null), Error: (null)
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709)  --- End of Daemonobject info ---
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709)   Sorting 11 ads ...
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709)   Getting startd private ds ...
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) Trying to query collector
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) NEGOTIATOR_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER is undeined,
using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) New Daemon obj(collector) name: "NULL",
pool: "NULL", addr: "<>"
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) Already have address, no info to locate
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) Address "<>" specified
but no name, looking up host info
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) Trying to find full hostname from hostent
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) Main name in hostent "s889069.srn.sandia.gov"
is fully qualified
7/6 14:04:32 (f:7) (pid:2709) Querying collector <>
(s889069.srn.sandia.gov) with classad:
MyType = "Query"
TargetType = "Machine"
Requirements = TRUE
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709)  --- End of Query ClassAd ---
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) PRIV_CONDOR --> PRIV_ROOT at sock.C:526
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) PRIV_ROOT --> PRIV_CONDOR at sock.C:532
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) CONNECT src=<> fd=7
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) STARTCOMMAND: starting 10 to
<> on TCP port 50676.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) SECMAN: command 10 to <>
on TCP port 50676 (blocking).
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) SECMAN: using session
s889069:2708:1183752205:1 for {<>,<10>}.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) SECMAN: found cached session id
s889069:2708:1183752205:1 for {<>,<10>}.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) SEC_DEBUG_PRINT_KEYS is undefined, using
default value of False
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"
Subsystem = "NEGOTIATOR"
ParentUniqueID = "s889069:2707:1183752204"
ServerPid = 2709
SessionDuration = "8640000"
ServerCommandSock = "<>"
Command = 10
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
Enact = "YES"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"
Integrity = "NO"
UseSession = "YES"
Sid = "s889069:2708:1183752205:1"
ValidCommands = "10,49,51"
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) SECMAN: Security Policy:
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"
Subsystem = "NEGOTIATOR"
ParentUniqueID = "s889069:2707:1183752204"
ServerPid = 2709
SessionDuration = "8640000"
ServerCommandSock = "<>"
Command = 10
RemoteVersion  "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
Enact = "YES"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"Integrity = "NO"
UseSession = "YES"
Sid = "s889069:2708:1183752205:1"
ValidCommands = "10,49,51"
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) SECMAN: negotiating security for command 10.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) SECMAN: sending DC_AUTHENTICATE command
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) SECMAN: sending following classad:
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"
Subsystem = "NEGOTIATOR"
ParentUniqueID = "s889069:2707:1183752204"
ServerPid = 2709
SessionDuration = "8640000"
Enact = "YES"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethod = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"
Integrity = "NO"
UseSession = "YES"
Sid = "s889069:2708:1183752205:1"
ValidCommands= "10,49,51"
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
ServerCommandSock = "<>"
Command = 10
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) SECMAN: startCommand succeeded.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:8) (pid:2709) CLOSE <> fd=7
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) Destroying Daemon object:
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) Type: 5 (collector), Name: (null), Addr:
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) FullHost: s88909.srn.sandia.gov, Host:
s889069, Pool: (null), Port: 9618
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) IsLocal: N, IdStr: (null), Error: (null)
76 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709)  --- End of Daemon object info ---
7/6 14:04:2 (fd:7) (pid:2709) Got ads: 11 public and 4 private
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) Public ads include 2 submitter, 4 startd
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) Entering compute_signficant_attrs()
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) Leaving compute_signficant_attrs() -
result=JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) Phase 2:  Performing accounting ...
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) (ACCOUNTANT) Updating priorities -
AgingFactor=   0.999 , TimePassed=67
7/6 14:4:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) (Accountant) Checking Matches
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) Phase 3:  Sorting submitter ads b priority
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) GROUP_PRIO_FACTOR_denbuen@s889069 is
undefined, using default value of -1.00000
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) Accountant::SetPriorityFactor -
CustomerName=denbuen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, PrioityFactor=   1.000
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) GROUP_PRIO_FACTOR_DedicatedScheduler@s889069
is undefined, using deault value of -1.000000
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) Accountant::SetPriorityFactor -
CustomerName=DedicatedSheduler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, PriorityFactor=
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) Phase 4.1:  Negotiating with schedds ..
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709)     NumStartdAds = 4
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709)     NormalFactor = 2.000000
/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709)     MaxPrioValue = 0.500000
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709)     NumScheddAds = 2
7/6 1:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) NEGOTIATOR_IGNORE_USER_PRIORITIES is
undefined, using default value of False
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709)   egotiating with
DedicatedScheduler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx skipped because no idle jobs
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709)   Schedd
DdicatedScheduler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx got all it wants; removing it.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) NEGOTIATOR_IGNOREUSER_PRIORITIES is
undefined, using default value of False
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709)   Negotiating with
denbuen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx skipped because no idle jobs
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709)   Scedd denbuen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx got
all it wants; removing it.
7/6 14:0432 (fd:7) (pid:2709) ---------- Finished Negotiation Cycle
7/6 1404:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) in DaemonCore NewTimer()
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) In cancel_timer(), id=7
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) Renewing timer id 7 for 300 secs
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709)
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> Timers
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> ~~~~~~
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 10, when = 1183752325,
period = 0, handler_descrip=<dc_touch_log_file>
7/6 14:04:2 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 0, when = 1183752339,
period = 120, handler_descrip=<check_parent>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 4, when = 1183752445,
period = 240, handler_descrip=<self_monitor>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 2, when = 1183752505,
period = 300, handler_descrip=<check_session_cache>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 8, when = 1183752506,
period = 300, handler_descrip=<Update Collector>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 7, when = 1183752572,
period = 300, handler_descrip=<Time to negotiate>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 6, when = 1183753375,
period = 1170, hadler_descrip=<DaemonCore::SendAliveToParent>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 3, when = 1183754006,
period = 1801, handler_descrip=<handle_cookie_refresh>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore--> id = 5, when = 1183781004,
period = 0, handler_descrip=<DaemonCore::ReInit()>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709)
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) leaving DaemonCore NewTimer, id=7
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:7) (pid:2709) DaemonCore Timeout() Complete, returning 53

[2 SchedLog]
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) ACCEPT from=<> newfd=9
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) in DaemonCore Newimer()
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> Timers
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> ~~~~~
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 12, when = 1183752325,
period = 60, handlr_descrip=<PeriodicExpr>
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 17, when = 1183752325,
period = 0, handler_descrip=<dc_touch_log_file>
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 0, when = 1183752339,
period = 120, handler_descrip=<check_parent>
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 4, when = 1183752446,
period = 240, handle_descrip=<self_monitor>
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 18, when = 1183752471,
period = 0, handler_descrip=<DaemnCore::HandleReqSocketTimerHandler>
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCoe--> id = 7, when = 1183752505,
period = 0, handler_descrip=<timeout>
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 2, when = 1183752505,
period = 300, handler_descrip=<check_session_cache>
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 8, when = 1183752515,
period = 0, handler_descrip=<StartJob>
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 9, when = 1183752515,
period = 300, handler_descrip=<sendAlives>
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 6, when  1183753376,
period = 1170, handler_descrip=<DaemonCore::SendAliveToParent>
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCor--> id = 3, when = 1183754006,
period = 1801, handler_descrip=<handle_cookie_refresh>
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DamonCore--> id = 11, when = 1183755805,
period = 3600, handler_descrip=<CkptWallClock>
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)DaemonCore--> id = 5, when = 1183781004,
period = 0, handler_descrip=<DaemonCore::ReInit()>
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid2710) DaemonCore--> id = 10, when = 1183838605,
period = 86400, handler_descrip=<CleanJobQueue>
7/6 14:04:31 (d:12) (pid:2710)
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) leaving DaemonCore NewTimer, id=18
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)
7/6 14:0:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> Sockets Registered
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> 0: 10 <NULL> DC Command
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:270) DaemonCore--> 1: 11 <NULL> DC Command
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> 2: 6 <NULL> DC Command Handler
7/6 14:0431 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> 3: 7 <NULL> DC Command Handler
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> 4: 9 Incoming cmmand
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) In DaemonCore imeout()
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> Timers
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710 DaemonCore--> ~~~~~~
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 12, whn = 1183752325,
period = 60, handler_descrip=<PeriodicExpr>
7/6 14:04:31 (f:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 17, when = 1183752325,
period = 0, hanler_descrip=<dc_touch_log_file>
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 0, when = 1183752339,
period = 120, handler_descrip=<check_parent>
7/6 14:0:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 4, when = 1183752446,
period = 240, handler_descrip=<sel_monitor>
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 18, when = 1183752471,
period = 0, handler_descrip=<DaemonCore::HandleReqSocketTimerHandler>
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 7, when = 1183752505,
period = 0, handler_descrip=<timeout>
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 2, when = 1183752505,
period = 300, handler_descrip=<check_session_cache>
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 8, when = 1183752515,
period = 0, handler_descrip=<StartJobs>
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 9, when = 1183752515,
period = 300, handler_descrip=<sendAlives>
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 6, when= 1183753376,
period = 1170, handler_descrip=<DaemonCore::SendAliveToParent>
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 3, when = 1183754006,
period = 1801, handler_descrip=<handle_cookie_refresh>
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 11, when = 1183755805,
period = 3600, handler_descrip=<CkptWallClock>
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 5, when = 1183781004,
period = 0, handler_descrip=<DaemonCore::ReInit()>
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 10, when = 1183838605,
period = 86400, handler_descrip=<CleanJobQueue>
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCor Timeout() Complete, returning 54
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Calling Handler
<DaemonCore::HandleReqSocketHandler> for Socket <Incoming ommand>
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) In cancel_timer(), id=18
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:270) Cancel_Socket: cancelled socket 4 <Incoming 
command> 0x1118700
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) 
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> Sockets Registered
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> 0: 10 <NULL> DC Command 
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> 1: 11 <NULL> DC Command 
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> 2: 6 <NULL> DC Command Handler
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> 3: 7 <NULL> DC Command Handler
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) 
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DC_AUTHENTICATE: received DC_AUTHENTICATE 
from <>
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DC_AUTHENTICATE: received following ClassAd:
MyType = "(unknown type)"
TargetType = "(unknown type)"
AuthMethods = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"
Authentication = "OPTIONAL"
Encryption = "OPTIONAL"
Integrity = "OPTIONAL"
Enact = "NO"
Subsystem = "SUBMIT"
ServerPid = 2732
SessionDuration = "3600"
NewSession = "YES"
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
Command = 1111
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DC_AUTHENTICATE: our_policy:
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
AuthMethods = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"
Authentication = "OPTIONAL"
Encryption = "OPTIONAL"
Integrity = "OPTIONAL"
Enact = "NO"
Subsystem = "SCHEDD"
ParentUniqueID = "s889069:2707:1183752204"
ServerPid = 2710
SessionDuration = "8640000"
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DC_AUTHENTICATE: the_policy:
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"
Integrity = "NO"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
SessionDuration = "3600"
Enact = "YES"
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: Sending following response ClassAd:
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"
Integrity = "NO"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
SessionDuration = "3600"
Enact = "YES"
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DC_AUTHENTICATE: not authenticating.
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DC_AUTHENTICATE: sending session ad:
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
Sid = "s889069:2710:1183752271:1"
ValidCommands = "60007,60011,1111,457,471"
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DC_AUTHENTICATE: sent session 
s889069:2710:1183752271:1 info!
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DC_AUTHENTICATE: added incoming session id 
s889069:2710:1183752271:1 to cache for 3600 seconds (return address is 
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"
Integrity = "NO"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
SessionDuration = "3600"
Enact = "YES"
Subsystem = "SUBMIT"
ServerPid = 2732
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
Sid = "s889069:2710:1183752271:1"
ValidCommands = "60007,60011,1111,457,471"
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DC_AUTHENTICATE: setting sock->decode()
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DC_AUTHENTICATE: allowing an empty message 
for sock.
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DC_AUTHENTICATE: Success.
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore: Command received via TCP from 
host <>
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore: received command 1111 
(QMGMT_CMD), calling handler (handle_q)
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10001
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Calling authenticate(FS,KERBEROS,GSI) in 
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) AUTHENTICATE: in authenticate( addr == NULL, 
methods == 'FS,KERBEROS,GSI')
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) AUTHENTICATE: can still try these methods: 
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) HANDSHAKE: in handshake(my_methods = 
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) HANDSHAKE: handshake() - i am the server
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) HANDSHAKE: client sent (methods == 100)
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) HANDSHAKE: i picked (method == 4)
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) HANDSHAKE: client received (method == 4)
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) AUTHENTICATE: will try to use 4 (FS)
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) FS: client template is /tmp/FS_XXXXXXXXX
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) FS: client filename is /tmp/FS_q2mw0p5tt
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) AUTHENTICATE_FS: used dir /tmp/FS_q2mw0p5tt, 
status: 1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) AUTHENTICATE: auth_status == 4 (FS)
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Authentication was a Success.
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10002
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) OwnerCheck retval 1 (success),no ad
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     NewCluster: trval = 7, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) schedd: NewCluster rval 7 errno 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10003
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) OwnerCheck retval 1 (success),no ad
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) schedd: NewProc rval 0 errno 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10017
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:13) (pid:2710) get_file(): going to write to filename 
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:13) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:13) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:13) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:13) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:13) (pid:2710) get_file: Receiving 412 bytes
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:13) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:13) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:13) (pid:2710) get_file: wrote 412 bytes to file
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) done with transfer, errno = 2
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 2
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = ClusterId
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_ClusterId is undefined, 
using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = QDate
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = 1183752271
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_QDate is undefined, using 
default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = CompletionDate
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_CompletionDate is 
undefined, using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = Owner
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = "denbuen"
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_User is undefined, using 
default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_Owner is undefined, using 
default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = RemoteWallClockTime
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = 0.000000
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_RemoteWallClockTime is 
undefined, using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = LocalUserCpu
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = 0.000000
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_LocalUserCpu is undefined, 
using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = LocalSysCpu
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = 0.000000
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_LocalSysCpu is undefined, 
using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = RemoteUserCpu
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = 0.000000
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_RemoteUserCpu is 
undefined, using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = RemoteSysCpu
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = 0.000000
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_RemoteSysCpu is undefined, 
using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = ExitStatus
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_ExitStatus is undefined, 
using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = NumCkpts
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = NumRestarts
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_NumRestarts is undefined, 
using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = NumSystemHolds
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_NumSystemHolds is 
undefined, using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = CommittedTime
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_CommittedTime is 
undefined, using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = TotalSuspensions
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_TotalSuspensions is 
undefined, using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = LastSuspensionTime
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_LastSuspensionTime is 
undefined, using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = CumulativeSuspensionTime
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_CumulativeSuspensionTime 
is undefined, using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = ExitBySignal
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = FALSE
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_ExitBySignal is undefined, 
using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = CondorVersion
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 
17 2007 $"
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_CondorVersion is 
undefined, using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = CondorPlatform
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = "$CondorPlatform: 
PPC-OSX_10_4 $"
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_CondorPlatform is 
undefined, using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = RootDir
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = "/"
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_RootDir is undefined, 
using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = Iwd
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = 
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_Iwd is undefined, using 
default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = JobUniverse
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = 11
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_JobUniverse is undefined, 
using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = Cmd
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = 
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_Cmd is undefined, using 
default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = WantIOProxy
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = TRUE
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_WantIOProxy is undefined, 
using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = CurrentHosts
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_CurrentHosts is undefined, 
using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = WantRemoteSyscalls
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = FALSE
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_WantRemoteSyscalls is 
undefined, using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = WantCheckpoint
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = FALSE
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_WantCheckpoint is 
undefined, using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = MinHosts
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = 1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_MinHosts is undefined, 
using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = MaxHosts
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = 1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_MaxHosts is undefined, 
using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = JobStatus
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = 1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_JobStatus is undefined, 
using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = EnteredCurrentStatus
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = 1183752271
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_EnteredCurrentStatus is 
undefined, using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = JobPrio
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_JobPrio is undefined, 
using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = NiceUser
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = FALSE
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_User is undefined, using 
default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_NiceUser is undefined, 
using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = Environment
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = ""
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_Environment is undefined, 
using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = JobNotification
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = 1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_JobNotification is 
undefined, using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = WantRemoteIO
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = TRUE
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_WantRemoteIO is undefined, 
using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = UserLog
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = 
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_UserLog is undefined, 
using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = CoreSize
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_CoreSize is undefined, 
using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = KillSig
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = "SIGTERM"
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_KillSig is undefined, 
using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = Rank
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = 0.000000
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_Rank is undefined, using 
default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = In
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = "/dev/null"
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_In is undefined, using 
default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = TransferIn
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = FALSE
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_TransferIn is undefined, 
using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = Out
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = 
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_Out is undefined, using 
default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = StreamOut
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = FALSE
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_StreamOut is undefined, 
using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = Err
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = 
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_Err is undefined, using 
default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = StreamErr
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = FALSE
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_StreamErr is undefined, 
using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = BufferSize
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = 524288
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_BufferSize is undefined, 
using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = BufferBlockSize
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = 32768
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_BufferBlockSize is 
undefined, using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = ShouldTransferFiles
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = "YES"
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_ShouldTransferFiles is 
undefined, using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = WhenToTransferOutput
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = "ON_EXIT"
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_WhenToTransferOutput is 
undefined, using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = TransferFiles
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = "ONEXIT"
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_TransferFiles is 
undefined, using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = TransferInput
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = "dist/condor-test.jar"
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_TransferInput is 
undefined, using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = ImageSize
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = 1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = ExecutableSize
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = 1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = DiskUsage
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = 96
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = Requirements
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = (Arch == "PPC") && (OpSys 
== "OSX") && (Disk >= DiskUsage) && ((Memory * 1024) >= ImageSize) && 
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_Requirements is undefined, 
using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = JobLeaseDuration
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = 1200
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_JobLeaseDuration is 
undefined, using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = PeriodicHold
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = FALSE
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_PeriodicHold is undefined, 
using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = PeriodicRelease
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = FALSE
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_PeriodicRelease is 
undefined, using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = PeriodicRemove
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = FALSE
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_PeriodicRemove is 
undefined, using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = OnExitHold
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = FALSE
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_OnExitHold is undefined, 
using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = OnExitRemove
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = TRUE
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_OnExitRemove is undefined, 
using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = LeaveJobInQueue
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = FALSE
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_LeaveJobInQueue is 
undefined, using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = -1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = Args
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = "crap.jar condor-test.jar 
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_Args is undefined, using 
default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10006
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     cluster_id = 7
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     proc_id = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_name = ProcId
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     attr_value = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_ProcId is undefined, using 
default value of 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:31 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Got request #10007
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710)     rval = 0, errno = 0
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): Socket closed when trying to 
read 5 bytes from <>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) IO: EOF reading packet header
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Stream::get(int) failed to read padding
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) QMGR Connection closed
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) CLOSE <> fd=9
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) In DaemonCore Timeout()
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> Timers
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> ~~~~~~
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 12, when = 1183752325, 
period = 60, handler_descrip=<PeriodicExpr>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 17, when = 1183752325, 
period = 0, handler_descrip=<dc_touch_log_file>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 0, when = 1183752339, 
period = 120, handler_descrip=<check_parent>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 4, when = 1183752446, 
period = 240, handler_descrip=<self_monitor>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 7, when = 1183752505, 
period = 0, handler_descrip=<timeout>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 2, when = 1183752505, 
period = 300, handler_descrip=<check_session_cache>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 8, when = 1183752515, 
period = 0, handler_descrip=<StartJobs>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 9, when = 1183752515, 
period = 300, handler_descrip=<sendAlives>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 6, when = 1183753376, 
period = 1170, handler_descrip=<DaemonCore::SendAliveToParent>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 3, when = 1183754006, 
period = 1801, handler_descrip=<handle_cookie_refresh>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 11, when = 1183755805, 
period = 3600, handler_descrip=<CkptWallClock>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 5, when = 1183781004, 
period = 0, handler_descrip=<DaemonCore::ReInit()>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 10, when = 1183838605, 
period = 86400, handler_descrip=<CleanJobQueue>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore Timeout() Complete, returning 53 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) ACCEPT from=<> newfd=9 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DC_AUTHENTICATE: received DC_AUTHENTICATE 
from <>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DC_AUTHENTICATE: received following ClassAd:
MyType = "(unknown type)"
TargetType = "(unknown type)"
AuthMethods = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"
Authentication = "OPTIONAL"
Encryption = "OPTIONAL"
Integrity = "OPTIONAL"
Enact = "NO"
Subsystem = "SUBMIT"
ServerPid = 2732
SessionDuration = "3600"
NewSession = "YES"
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
Command = 464
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DC_AUTHENTICATE: our_policy:
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
AuthMethods = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"
Authentication = "OPTIONAL"
Encryption = "OPTIONAL"
Integrity = "OPTIONAL"
Enact = "NO"
Subsystem = "SCHEDD"
ParentUniqueID = "s889069:2707:1183752204"
ServerPid = 2710
SessionDuration = "8640000"
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DC_AUTHENTICATE: the_policy:
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"
Integrity = "NO"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
SessionDuration = "3600"
Enact = "YES"
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: Sending following response ClassAd:
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"
Integrity = "NO"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
SessionDuration = "3600"
Enact = "YES"
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DC_AUTHENTICATE: not authenticating.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DC_AUTHENTICATE: sending session ad:
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
Sid = "s889069:2710:1183752272:2"
ValidCommands = "60004,404,421,443,464,478,480,481,486,487,488,489,499"
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DC_AUTHENTICATE: sent session 
s889069:2710:1183752272:2 info!
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DC_AUTHENTICATE: added incoming session id 
s889069:2710:1183752272:2 to cache for 3600 seconds (return address is 
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"
Integrity = "NO"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
SessionDuration = "3600"
Enact = "YES"
Subsystem = "SUBMIT"
ServerPid = 2732
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
Sid = "s889069:2710:1183752272:2"
ValidCommands = "60004,404,421,443,464,478,480,481,486,487,488,489,499"
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DC_AUTHENTICATE: setting sock->decode()
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DC_AUTHENTICATE: allowing an empty message 
for sock.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DC_AUTHENTICATE: Success.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore: Command received via TCP from 
host <>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore: received command 464 
(ATTEMPT_ACCESS), calling handler (attempt_access_handler)
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) ATTEMPT_ACCESS: Switching to user uid: 60663 
gid: 60663.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) PRIV_CONDOR --> PRIV_USER at access.C:99
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Checking file 
/Volumes/snl/work/orca/ORCAmsf/trunk/condor-test/dist/condor-test.jar for 
read permission.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Switching back to old priv state.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) PRIV_USER --> PRIV_CONDOR at access.C:140
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) CLOSE <> fd=9
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) In DaemonCore Timeout()
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> Timers
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> ~~~~~~
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 12, when = 1183752325, 
period = 60, handler_descrip=<PeriodicExpr>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 17, when = 1183752325, 
period = 0, handler_descrip=<dc_touch_log_file>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 0, when = 1183752339, 
period = 120, handler_descrip=<check_parent>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 4, when = 1183752446, 
period = 240, handler_descrip=<self_monitor>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 7, when = 1183752505, 
period = 0, handler_descrip=<timeout>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 2, when = 1183752505, 
period = 300, handler_descrip=<check_session_cache>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 8, when = 1183752515, 
period = 0, handler_descrip=<StartJobs>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 9, when = 1183752515, 
period = 300, handler_descrip=<sendAlives>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 6, when = 1183753376, 
period = 1170, handler_descrip=<DaemonCore::SendAliveToParent>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 3, when = 1183754006, 
period = 1801, handler_descrip=<handle_cookie_refresh>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 11, when = 1183755805, 
period = 3600, handler_descrip=<CkptWallClock>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 5, when = 1183781004, 
period = 0, handler_descrip=<DaemonCore::ReInit()>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 10, when = 1183838605, 
period = 86400, handler_descrip=<CleanJobQueue>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore Timeout() Complete, returning 53 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) ACCEPT from=<> newfd=9 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DC_AUTHENTICATE: received DC_AUTHENTICATE 
from <>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DC_AUTHENTICATE: received following ClassAd:
MyType = "(unknown type)"
TargetType = "(unknown type)"
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"
Subsystem = "SUBMIT"
ServerPid = 2732
SessionDuration = "3600"
Enact = "YES"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"
Integrity = "NO"
UseSession = "YES"
Sid = "s889069:2710:1183752272:2"
ValidCommands = "60004,404,421,443,464,478,480,481,486,487,488,489,499"
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
Command = 464
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DC_AUTHENTICATE: resuming session id 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DC_AUTHENTICATE: Cached Session:
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"
Integrity = "NO"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
SessionDuration = "3600"
Enact = "YES"
Subsystem = "SUBMIT"
ServerPid = 2732
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
Sid = "s889069:2710:1183752272:2"
ValidCommands = "60004,404,421,443,464,478,480,481,486,487,488,489,499"
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DC_AUTHENTICATE: not authenticating.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DC_AUTHENTICATE: setting sock->decode()
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DC_AUTHENTICATE: allowing an empty message 
for sock.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DC_AUTHENTICATE: Success.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore: Command received via TCP from 
host <>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DaemonCore: received command 464 
(ATTEMPT_ACCESS), calling handler (attempt_access_handler)
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=10
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) ATTEMPT_ACCESS: Switching to user uid: 60663 
gid: 60663.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) PRIV_CONDOR --> PRIV_USER at access.C:99
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Checking file 
/Volumes/snl/work/orca/ORCAmsf/trunk/condor-test/condor-test.out0 for write 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) Switching back to old priv state.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) PRIV_USER --> PRIV_CONDOR at access.C:140
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) CLOSE <> fd=9
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) In DaemonCore Timeout()
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> Timers
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> ~~~~~~
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 12, when = 1183752325, 
period = 60, handler_descrip=<PeriodicExpr>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 17, when = 1183752325, 
period = 0, handler_descrip=<dc_touch_log_file>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 0, when = 1183752339, 
period = 120, handler_descrip=<check_parent>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 4, when = 1183752446, 
period = 240, handler_descrip=<self_monitor>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 7, when = 1183752505, 
period = 0, handler_descrip=<timeout>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 2, when = 1183752505, 
period = 300, handler_descrip=<check_session_cache>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 8, when = 1183752515, 
period = 0, handler_descrip=<StartJobs>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 9, when = 1183752515, 
period = 300, handler_descrip=<sendAlives>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 6, when = 1183753376, 
period = 1170, handler_descrip=<DaemonCore::SendAliveToParent>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 3, when = 1183754006, 
period = 1801, handler_descrip=<handle_cookie_refresh>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 11, when = 1183755805, 
period = 3600, handler_descrip=<CkptWallClock>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 5, when = 1183781004, 
period = 0, handler_descrip=<DaemonCore::ReInit()>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 10, when = 1183838605, 
period = 86400, handler_descrip=<CleanJobQueue>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore Timeout() Complete, returning 53 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) RECV 494 bytes at <> 
from <>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710)     Full msg [494 bytes]
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DC_AUTHENTICATE: received UDP packet from 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DC_AUTHENTICATE: received DC_AUTHENTICATE 
from <>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DC_AUTHENTICATE: received following ClassAd:
MyType = "(unknown type)"
TargetType = "(unknown type)"
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"
Subsystem = "SUBMIT"
ServerPid = 2732
SessionDuration = "3600"
Enact = "YES"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"
Integrity = "NO"
UseSession = "YES"
Sid = "s889069:2710:1183752272:2"
ValidCommands = "60004,404,421,443,464,478,480,481,486,487,488,489,499"
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
Command = 421
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DC_AUTHENTICATE: resuming session id 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DC_AUTHENTICATE: Cached Session:
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"
Integrity = "NO"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
SessionDuration = "3600"
Enact = "YES"
Subsystem = "SUBMIT"
ServerPid = 2732
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
Sid = "s889069:2710:1183752272:2"
ValidCommands = "60004,404,421,443,464,478,480,481,486,487,488,489,499"
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DC_AUTHENTICATE: setting sock->decode()
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DC_AUTHENTICATE: allowing an empty message 
for sock.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DC_AUTHENTICATE: Success.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore: Command received via UDP from 
host <>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore: received command 421 
(RESCHEDULE), calling handler (reschedule_negotiator)
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Found idle MPI cluster 7
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) in DaemonCore NewTimer()
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> Timers
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> ~~~~~~
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 19, when = 1183752274, 
period = 0, handler_descrip=<callHandleDedicatedJobs>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 12, when = 1183752325, 
period = 60, handler_descrip=<PeriodicExpr>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 17, when = 1183752325, 
period = 0, handler_descrip=<dc_touch_log_file>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 0, when = 1183752339, 
period = 120, handler_descrip=<check_parent>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 4, when = 1183752446, 
period = 240, handler_descrip=<self_monitor>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 7, when = 1183752505, 
period = 0, handler_descrip=<timeout>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 2, when = 1183752505, 
period = 300, handler_descrip=<check_session_cache>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 8, when = 1183752515, 
period = 0, handler_descrip=<StartJobs>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 9, when = 1183752515, 
period = 300, handler_descrip=<sendAlives>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 6, when = 1183753376, 
period = 1170, handler_descrip=<DaemonCore::SendAliveToParent>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 3, when = 1183754006, 
period = 1801, handler_descrip=<handle_cookie_refresh>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 11, when = 1183755805, 
period = 3600, handler_descrip=<CkptWallClock>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 5, when = 1183781004, 
period = 0, handler_descrip=<DaemonCore::ReInit()>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 10, when = 1183838605, 
period = 86400, handler_descrip=<CleanJobQueue>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) leaving DaemonCore NewTimer, id=19
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Started timer (19) to call 
handleDedicatedJobs() in 2 secs
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) JobsRunning = 0
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) JobsIdle = 0
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) JobsHeld = 0
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) JobsRemoved = 0
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) LocalUniverseJobsRunning = 0
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) LocalUniverseJobsIdle = 0
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) SchedUniverseJobsRunning = 0
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) SchedUniverseJobsIdle = 0
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) N_Owners = 1
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) MaxJobsRunning = 200
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) ENABLE_SOAP is undefined, using default value 
of False
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Trying to update collector 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Attempting to send update via UDP to 
collector s889069.srn.sandia.gov <>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) PRIV_CONDOR --> PRIV_ROOT at sock.C:526
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) PRIV_ROOT --> PRIV_CONDOR at sock.C:532
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) STARTCOMMAND: starting 1 to 
<> on UDP port 50856.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: command 1 to <> 
on UDP port 50856 (non-blocking).
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: using session 
s889069:2708:1183752208:4 for {<>,<1>}.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: found cached session id 
s889069:2708:1183752208:4 for {<>,<1>}.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SEC_DEBUG_PRINT_KEYS is undefined, using 
default value of False
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"
Subsystem = "SCHEDD"
ParentUniqueID = "s889069:2707:1183752204"
ServerPid = 2710
SessionDuration = "8640000"
ServerCommandSock = "<>"
Command = 60010
AuthCommand = 11
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
Enact = "YES"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"
Integrity = "NO"
UseSession = "YES"
Sid = "s889069:2708:1183752208:4"
ValidCommands = 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: Security Policy:
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"
Subsystem = "SCHEDD"
ParentUniqueID = "s889069:2707:1183752204"
ServerPid = 2710
SessionDuration = "8640000"
ServerCommandSock = "<>"
Command = 60010
AuthCommand = 11
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
Enact = "YES"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"
Integrity = "NO"
UseSession = "YES"
Sid = "s889069:2708:1183752208:4"
ValidCommands = 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: negotiating security for command 1.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: UDP, have_session == 1, can_neg == 1
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: UDP has session 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: sending DC_AUTHENTICATE command
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: sending following classad:
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"
Subsystem = "SCHEDD"
ParentUniqueID = "s889069:2707:1183752204"
ServerPid = 2710
SessionDuration = "8640000"
AuthCommand = 11
Enact = "YES"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"
Integrity = "NO"
UseSession = "YES"
Sid = "s889069:2708:1183752208:4"
ValidCommands = 
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
ServerCommandSock = "<>"
Command = 1
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: startCommand succeeded.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:13) (pid:2710) PRIV_CONDOR --> PRIV_ROOT at sock.C:526
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:13) (pid:2710) PRIV_ROOT --> PRIV_CONDOR at sock.C:532
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SEND [1000] <> 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SEND [513] <> 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Sent HEART BEAT ad to 1 collectors. Number of 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Changed attribute: RunningJobs = 0
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Changed attribute: IdleJobs = 0
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Changed attribute: HeldJobs = 0
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Changed attribute: FlockedJobs = 0
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Changed attribute: Name = 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Sent ad to central manager for 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Trying to update collector 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Attempting to send update via UDP to 
collector s889069.srn.sandia.gov <>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) PRIV_CONDOR --> PRIV_ROOT at sock.C:526
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) PRIV_ROOT --> PRIV_CONDOR at sock.C:532
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) STARTCOMMAND: starting 11 to 
<> on UDP port 50858.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: command 11 to <> 
on UDP port 50858 (non-blocking).
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: using session 
s889069:2708:1183752208:4 for {<>,<11>}.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: found cached session id 
s889069:2708:1183752208:4 for {<>,<11>}.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SEC_DEBUG_PRINT_KEYS is undefined, using 
default value of False
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"
Subsystem = "SCHEDD"
ParentUniqueID = "s889069:2707:1183752204"
ServerPid = 2710
SessionDuration = "8640000"
ServerCommandSock = "<>"
Command = 60010
AuthCommand = 11
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
Enact = "YES"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"
Integrity = "NO"
UseSession = "YES"
Sid = "s889069:2708:1183752208:4"
ValidCommands = 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: Security Policy:
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"
Subsystem = "SCHEDD"
ParentUniqueID = "s889069:2707:1183752204"
ServerPid = 2710
SessionDuration = "8640000"
ServerCommandSock = "<>"
Command = 60010
AuthCommand = 11
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
Enact = "YES"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"
Integrity = "NO"
UseSession = "YES"
Sid = "s889069:2708:1183752208:4"
ValidCommands = 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: negotiating security for command 11.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: UDP, have_session == 1, can_neg == 1
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: UDP has session 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: sending DC_AUTHENTICATE command
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: sending following classad:
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"
Subsystem = "SCHEDD"
ParentUniqueID = "s889069:2707:1183752204"
ServerPid = 2710
SessionDuration = "8640000"
AuthCommand = 11
Enact = "YES"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"
Integrity = "NO"
UseSession = "YES"
Sid = "s889069:2708:1183752208:4"
ValidCommands = 
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
ServerCommandSock = "<>"
Command = 11
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: startCommand succeeded.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:13) (pid:2710) PRIV_CONDOR --> PRIV_ROOT at sock.C:526
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:13) (pid:2710) PRIV_ROOT --> PRIV_CONDOR at sock.C:532
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SEND [1000] <> 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SEND [490] <> 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Sent ad to 1 collectors for 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) ============ Begin clean_shadow_recs 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) ============ End clean_shadow_recs 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER is undefined, using 
default value of 0
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) New Daemon obj (startd) name: "NULL", pool: 
"NULL", addr: "NULL"
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Destroying Daemon object:
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Type: 4 (startd), Name: (null), Addr: (null)
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) FullHost: (null), Host: (null), Pool: (null), 
Port: -1
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) IsLocal: N, IdStr: (null), Error: (null)
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710)  --- End of Daemon object info ---
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) In reset_timer(), id=7, time=300, period=0
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) in DaemonCore NewTimer()
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) In cancel_timer(), id=7
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Renewing timer id 7 for 300 secs
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> Timers
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> ~~~~~~
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 19, when = 1183752274, 
period = 0, handler_descrip=<callHandleDedicatedJobs>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 12, when = 1183752325, 
period = 60, handler_descrip=<PeriodicExpr>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 17, when = 1183752325, 
period = 0, handler_descrip=<dc_touch_log_file>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 0, when = 1183752339, 
period = 120, handler_descrip=<check_parent>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 4, when = 1183752446, 
period = 240, handler_descrip=<self_monitor>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 2, when = 1183752505, 
period = 300, handler_descrip=<check_session_cache>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 8, when = 1183752515, 
period = 0, handler_descrip=<StartJobs>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 9, when = 1183752515, 
period = 300, handler_descrip=<sendAlives>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 7, when = 1183752572, 
period = 0, handler_descrip=<timeout>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 6, when = 1183753376, 
period = 1170, handler_descrip=<DaemonCore::SendAliveToParent>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 3, when = 1183754006, 
period = 1801, handler_descrip=<handle_cookie_refresh>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 11, when = 1183755805, 
period = 3600, handler_descrip=<CkptWallClock>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 5, when = 1183781004, 
period = 0, handler_descrip=<DaemonCore::ReInit()>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 10, when = 1183838605, 
period = 86400, handler_descrip=<CleanJobQueue>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) leaving DaemonCore NewTimer, id=7
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Called reschedule_negotiator()
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Sending RESCHEDULE command to negotiator(s)
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER is undefined, using 
default value of 0
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) New Daemon obj (negotiator) name: "NULL", 
pool: "NULL", addr: "NULL"
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) COLLECTOR_HOST is set to 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER is undefined, using 
default value of 0
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) New Daemon obj (collector) name: 
"s889069.srn.sandia.gov", pool: "NULL", addr: "NULL"
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) NONBLOCKING_COLLECTOR_UPDATE is undefined, 
using default value of True
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Using name "s889069.srn.sandia.gov" to find 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Port not specified, using default (9618)
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Host info "s889069.srn.sandia.gov" is a 
hostname, finding IP address
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Trying to find IP addr for 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Calling gethostbyname(s889069.srn.sandia.gov)
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Found IP addr in hostent:
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Found IP address and port 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Will use UDP to update collector 
s889069.srn.sandia.gov <>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Trying to query collector 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER is undefined, using 
default value of 0
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) New Daemon obj (collector) name: "NULL", 
pool: "NULL", addr: "<>"
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Already have address, no info to locate
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Address "<>" specified 
but no name, looking up host info
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Trying to find full hostname from hostent
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Main name in hostent "s889069.srn.sandia.gov" 
is fully qualified
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Querying collector <> 
(s889069.srn.sandia.gov) with classad:
MyType = "Query"
TargetType = "Negotiator"
Requirements = TRUE
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710)  --- End of Query ClassAd ---
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) PRIV_CONDOR --> PRIV_ROOT at sock.C:526
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) PRIV_ROOT --> PRIV_CONDOR at sock.C:532
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) CONNECT src=<> fd=9 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) STARTCOMMAND: starting 50 to 
<> on TCP port 50673.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: command 50 to <> 
on TCP port 50673 (blocking).
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: using session 
s889069:2708:1183752207:3 for {<>,<50>}.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: found cached session id 
s889069:2708:1183752207:3 for {<>,<50>}.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SEC_DEBUG_PRINT_KEYS is undefined, using 
default value of False
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"
Subsystem = "SCHEDD"
ParentUniqueID = "s889069:2707:1183752204"
ServerPid = 2710
SessionDuration = "8640000"
ServerCommandSock = "<>"
Command = 5
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
Enact = "YES"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"
Integrity = "NO"
UseSession = "YES"
Sid = "s889069:2708:1183752207:3"
ValidCommands = "5,6,7,9,12,43,46,48,50,53,56,60007,60011,457"
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: Security Policy:
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"
Subsystem = "SCHEDD"
ParentUniqueID = "s889069:2707:1183752204"
ServerPid = 2710
SessionDuration = "8640000"
ServerCommandSock = "<>"
Command = 5
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
Enact = "YES"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"
Integrity = "NO"
UseSession = "YES"
Sid = "s889069:2708:1183752207:3"
ValidCommands = "5,6,7,9,12,43,46,48,50,53,56,60007,60011,457"
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: negotiating security for command 50.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: sending DC_AUTHENTICATE command
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: sending following classad:
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"
Subsystem = "SCHEDD"
ParentUniqueID = "s889069:2707:1183752204"
ServerPid = 2710
SessionDuration = "8640000"
Enact = "YES"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"
Integrity = "NO"
UseSession = "YES"
Sid = "s889069:2708:1183752207:3"
ValidCommands = "5,6,7,9,12,43,46,48,50,53,56,60007,60011,457"
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
ServerCommandSock = "<>"
Command = 50
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: startCommand succeeded.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) CLOSE <> fd=9
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Destroying Daemon object:
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Type: 5 (collector), Name: (null), Addr: 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) FullHost: s889069.srn.sandia.gov, Host: 
s889069, Pool: (null), Port: 9618
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) IsLocal: N, IdStr: (null), Error: (null)
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710)  --- End of Daemon object info ---
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Destroying Daemon object:
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Type: 5 (collector), Name: 
s889069.srn.sandia.gov, Addr: <>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) FullHost: s889069.srn.sandia.gov, Host: 
s889069, Pool: s889069.srn.sandia.gov, Port: 9618
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) IsLocal: N, IdStr: (null), Error: (null)
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710)  --- End of Daemon object info ---
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Found NEGOTIATORIpAddr in ClassAd from 
collector, using "<>"
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Found CondorVersion in ClassAd from 
collector, using "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Found CondorPlatform in ClassAd from 
collector, using "$CondorPlatform: PPC-OSX_10_4 $"
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Using port 50651 based on address 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) PRIV_CONDOR --> PRIV_ROOT at sock.C:526
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) PRIV_ROOT --> PRIV_CONDOR at sock.C:532
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) STARTCOMMAND: starting 421 to 
<> on UDP port 50860.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) DAEMON: talking to a $CondorVersion: 6.8.5 
May 17 2007 $ daemon.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: command 421 to 
<> on UDP port 50860 (blocking).
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: no cached key for 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: Security Policy:
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
AuthMethods = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"
Authentication = "OPTIONAL"
Encryption = "OPTIONAL"
Integrity = "OPTIONAL"
Enact = "NO"
Subsystem = "SCHEDD"
ParentUniqueID = "s889069:2707:1183752204"
ServerPid = 2710
SessionDuration = "8640000"
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: negotiating security for command 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: need to start a session via TCP
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SEC_TCP_SESSION_TIMEOUT is undefined, using 
default value of 20
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: setting timeout to 20 seconds.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:13) (pid:2710) PRIV_CONDOR --> PRIV_ROOT at sock.C:526
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:13) (pid:2710) PRIV_ROOT --> PRIV_CONDOR at sock.C:532
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:13) (pid:2710) CONNECT src=<> fd=12 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:13) (pid:2710) SECMAN: command 60010 to 
<> on TCP port 50674 (blocking).
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:13) (pid:2710) SECMAN: no cached key for 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:13) (pid:2710) SECMAN: Security Policy:
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
AuthMethods = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"
Authentication = "OPTIONAL"
Encryption = "OPTIONAL"
Integrity = "OPTIONAL"
Enact = "NO"
Subsystem = "SCHEDD"
ParentUniqueID = "s889069:2707:1183752204"
ServerPid = 2710
SessionDuration = "8640000"
NewSession = "YES"
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:13) (pid:2710) SECMAN: negotiating security for command 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:13) (pid:2710) SECMAN: sending DC_AUTHENTICATE command
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:13) (pid:2710) SECMAN: sending following classad:
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
AuthMethods = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"
Authentication = "OPTIONAL"
Encryption = "OPTIONAL"
Integrity = "OPTIONAL"
Enact = "NO"
Subsystem = "SCHEDD"
ParentUniqueID = "s889069:2707:1183752204"
ServerPid = 2710
SessionDuration = "8640000"
NewSession = "YES"
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
ServerCommandSock = "<>"
Command = 60010
AuthCommand = 421
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:13) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=13
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:13) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:13) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=13
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:13) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:13) (pid:2710) SECMAN: server responded with:
MyType = "(unknown type)"
TargetType = "(unknown type)"
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"
Integrity = "NO"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
SessionDuration = "8640000"
Enact = "YES"
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:13) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=13
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:13) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:13) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfds=13
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:13) (pid:2710) condor_read(): nfound=1
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:13) (pid:2710) SECMAN: received post-auth classad:
MyType = "(unknown type)"
TargetType = "(unknown type)"
Sid = "s889069:2709:1183752272:0"
ValidCommands = "60017,421"
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:13) (pid:2710) SECMAN: policy to be cached:
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"
Subsystem = "SCHEDD"
ParentUniqueID = "s889069:2707:1183752204"
ServerPid = 2710
SessionDuration = "8640000"
ServerCommandSock = "<>"
Command = 60010
AuthCommand = 421
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
Enact = "YES"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"
Integrity = "NO"
UseSession = "YES"
Sid = "s889069:2709:1183752272:0"
ValidCommands = "60017,421"
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:13) (pid:2710) SECMAN: added session 
s889069:2709:1183752272:0 to cache for 8640000 seconds.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:13) (pid:2710) SECMAN: command 
{<>,<60017>} mapped to session 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:13) (pid:2710) SECMAN: command 
{<>,<421>} mapped to session s889069:2709:1183752272:0.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:13) (pid:2710) SECMAN: startCommand succeeded.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:13) (pid:2710) SECMAN: sending eom() and closing TCP sock.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:13) (pid:2710) CLOSE <> fd=12
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: succesfully sent NOP via TCP!
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: resuming command 421 to 
<> on UDP port 50860 (blocking).
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: using session 
s889069:2709:1183752272:0 for {<>,<421>}.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: found cached session id 
s889069:2709:1183752272:0 for {<>,<421>}.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SEC_DEBUG_PRINT_KEYS is undefined, using 
default value of False
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"
Subsystem = "SCHEDD"
ParentUniqueID = "s889069:2707:1183752204"
ServerPid = 2710
SessionDuration = "8640000"
ServerCommandSock = "<>"
Command = 60010
AuthCommand = 421
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
Enact = "YES"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"
Integrity = "NO"
UseSession = "YES"
Sid = "s889069:2709:1183752272:0"
ValidCommands = "60017,421"
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: Security Policy:
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"
Subsystem = "SCHEDD"
ParentUniqueID = "s889069:2707:1183752204"
ServerPid = 2710
SessionDuration = "8640000"
ServerCommandSock = "<>"
Command = 60010
AuthCommand = 421
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
Enact = "YES"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"
Integrity = "NO"
UseSession = "YES"
Sid = "s889069:2709:1183752272:0"
ValidCommands = "60017,421"
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: negotiating security for command 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: UDP, have_session == 1, can_neg == 1
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: UDP has session 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: sending DC_AUTHENTICATE command
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: sending following classad:
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"
Subsystem = "SCHEDD"
ParentUniqueID = "s889069:2707:1183752204"
ServerPid = 2710
SessionDuration = "8640000"
AuthCommand = 421
Enact = "YES"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"
Integrity = "NO"
UseSession = "YES"
Sid = "s889069:2709:1183752272:0"
ValidCommands = "60017,421"
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
ServerCommandSock = "<>"
Command = 421
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: startCommand succeeded.
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SEND [584] <> 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Destroying Daemon object:
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Type: 6 (negotiator), Name: (null), Addr: 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) FullHost: (null), Host: (null), Pool: (null), 
Port: 50651
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) IsLocal: N, IdStr: (null), Error: (null)
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710)  --- End of Daemon object info ---
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) In DaemonCore Timeout()
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> Timers
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> ~~~~~~
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 19, when = 1183752274, 
period = 0, handler_descrip=<callHandleDedicatedJobs>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 12, when = 1183752325, 
period = 60, handler_descrip=<PeriodicExpr>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 17, when = 1183752325, 
period = 0, handler_descrip=<dc_touch_log_file>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 0, when = 1183752339, 
period = 120, handler_descrip=<check_parent>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 4, when = 1183752446, 
period = 240, handler_descrip=<self_monitor>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 2, when = 1183752505, 
period = 300, handler_descrip=<check_session_cache>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 8, when = 1183752515, 
period = 0, handler_descrip=<StartJobs>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 9, when = 1183752515, 
period = 300, handler_descrip=<sendAlives>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 7, when = 1183752572, 
period = 0, handler_descrip=<timeout>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 6, when = 1183753376, 
period = 1170, handler_descrip=<DaemonCore::SendAliveToParent>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 3, when = 1183754006, 
period = 1801, handler_descrip=<handle_cookie_refresh>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 11, when = 1183755805, 
period = 3600, handler_descrip=<CkptWallClock>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 5, when = 1183781004, 
period = 0, handler_descrip=<DaemonCore::ReInit()>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 10, when = 1183838605, 
period = 86400, handler_descrip=<CleanJobQueue>
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) 
7/6 14:04:32 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore Timeout() Complete, returning 2 
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) In DaemonCore Timeout()
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) 
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> Timers
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> ~~~~~~
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 19, when = 1183752274, 
period = 0, handler_descrip=<callHandleDedicatedJobs>
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 12, when = 1183752325, 
period = 60, handler_descrip=<PeriodicExpr>
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 17, when = 1183752325, 
period = 0, handler_descrip=<dc_touch_log_file>
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 0, when = 1183752339, 
period = 120, handler_descrip=<check_parent>
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 4, when = 1183752446, 
period = 240, handler_descrip=<self_monitor>
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 2, when = 1183752505, 
period = 300, handler_descrip=<check_session_cache>
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 8, when = 1183752515, 
period = 0, handler_descrip=<StartJobs>
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 9, when = 1183752515, 
period = 300, handler_descrip=<sendAlives>
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 7, when = 1183752572, 
period = 0, handler_descrip=<timeout>
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 6, when = 1183753376, 
period = 1170, handler_descrip=<DaemonCore::SendAliveToParent>
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 3, when = 1183754006, 
period = 1801, handler_descrip=<handle_cookie_refresh>
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 11, when = 1183755805, 
period = 3600, handler_descrip=<CkptWallClock>
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 5, when = 1183781004, 
period = 0, handler_descrip=<DaemonCore::ReInit()>
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore--> id = 10, when = 1183838605, 
period = 86400, handler_descrip=<CleanJobQueue>
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) 
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore: Calling handler for Timer 19 
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Starting 
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_ROUND_ATTR_Scheduler is undefined, 
using default value of 0
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Inserting new attribute Scheduler into 
non-active cluster cid=7 acid=-1
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Found 1 idle dedicated job(s)
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DedicatedScheduler: Listing all dedicated 
jobs - 
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Dedicated job: 7.0 denbuen
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) COLLECTOR_HOST is set to 
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER is undefined, using 
default value of 0
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) New Daemon obj (collector) name: 
"s889069.srn.sandia.gov", pool: "NULL", addr: "NULL"
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) NONBLOCKING_COLLECTOR_UPDATE is undefined, 
using default value of True
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Using name "s889069.srn.sandia.gov" to find 
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Port not specified, using default (9618)
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Host info "s889069.srn.sandia.gov" is a 
hostname, finding IP address
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Trying to find IP addr for 
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Calling gethostbyname(s889069.srn.sandia.gov)
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Found IP addr in hostent:
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Found IP address and port 
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Will use UDP to update collector 
s889069.srn.sandia.gov <>
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Trying to query collector 
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) SCHEDD_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER is undefined, using 
default value of 0
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) New Daemon obj (collector) name: "NULL", 
pool: "NULL", addr: "<>"
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Already have address, no info to locate
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Address "<>" specified 
but no name, looking up host info
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Trying to find full hostname from hostent
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Main name in hostent "s889069.srn.sandia.gov" 
is fully qualified
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Querying collector <> 
(s889069.srn.sandia.gov) with classad:
MyType = "Query"
TargetType = "Machine"
Requirements = ((DedicatedScheduler == 
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710)  --- End of Query ClassAd ---
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:12) (pid:2710) PRIV_CONDOR --> PRIV_ROOT at sock.C:526
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:12) (pid:2710) PRIV_ROOT --> PRIV_CONDOR at sock.C:532
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:12) (pid:2710) CONNECT src=<> fd=9 
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:12) (pid:2710) STARTCOMMAND: starting 5 to 
<> on TCP port 50677.
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: command 5 to <> 
on TCP port 50677 (blocking).
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: using session 
s889069:2708:1183752207:3 for {<>,<5>}.
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: found cached session id 
s889069:2708:1183752207:3 for {<>,<5>}.
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SEC_DEBUG_PRINT_KEYS is undefined, using 
default value of False
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"
Subsystem = "SCHEDD"
ParentUniqueID = "s889069:2707:1183752204"
ServerPid = 2710
SessionDuration = "8640000"
ServerCommandSock = "<>"
Command = 5
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
Enact = "YES"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"
Integrity = "NO"
UseSession = "YES"
Sid = "s889069:2708:1183752207:3"
ValidCommands = "5,6,7,9,12,43,46,48,50,53,56,60007,60011,457"
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: Security Policy:
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"
Subsystem = "SCHEDD"
ParentUniqueID = "s889069:2707:1183752204"
ServerPid = 2710
SessionDuration = "8640000"
ServerCommandSock = "<>"
Command = 5
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
Enact = "YES"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"
Integrity = "NO"
UseSession = "YES"
Sid = "s889069:2708:1183752207:3"
ValidCommands = "5,6,7,9,12,43,46,48,50,53,56,60007,60011,457"
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: negotiating security for command 5.
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: sending DC_AUTHENTICATE command
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: sending following classad:
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"
Subsystem = "SCHEDD"
ParentUniqueID = "s889069:2707:1183752204"
ServerPid = 2710
SessionDuration = "8640000"
Enact = "YES"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"
Integrity = "NO"
UseSession = "YES"
Sid = "s889069:2708:1183752207:3"
ValidCommands = "5,6,7,9,12,43,46,48,50,53,56,60007,60011,457"
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
ServerCommandSock = "<>"
Command = 5
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: startCommand succeeded.
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:12) (pid:2710) CLOSE <> fd=9
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Destroying Daemon object:
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Type: 5 (collector), Name: (null), Addr: 
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) FullHost: s889069.srn.sandia.gov, Host: 
s889069, Pool: (null), Port: 9618
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) IsLocal: N, IdStr: (null), Error: (null)
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710)  --- End of Daemon object info ---
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Destroying Daemon object:
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Type: 5 (collector), Name: 
s889069.srn.sandia.gov, Addr: <>
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) FullHost: s889069.srn.sandia.gov, Host: 
s889069, Pool: s889069.srn.sandia.gov, Port: 9618
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) IsLocal: N, IdStr: (null), Error: (null)
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710)  --- End of Daemon object info ---
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Found 0 potential dedicated resources
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) idle resource list
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710)  ************ empty ************ 
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) limbo resource list
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710)  ************ empty ************ 
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) unclaimed resource list
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710)  ************ empty ************ 
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) busy resource list
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710)  ************ empty ************ 
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Trying to find 1 resource(s) for dedicated 
job 7.0
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Trying to satisfy job with all possible 
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Can't satisfy job 7 with all possible 
resources... trying next job
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) In DedicatedScheduler::publishRequestAd()
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Trying to update collector 
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Attempting to send update via UDP to 
collector s889069.srn.sandia.gov <>
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:12) (pid:2710) PRIV_CONDOR --> PRIV_ROOT at sock.C:526
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:12) (pid:2710) PRIV_ROOT --> PRIV_CONDOR at sock.C:532
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:12) (pid:2710) STARTCOMMAND: starting 11 to 
<> on UDP port 50861.
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: command 11 to <> 
on UDP port 50861 (non-blocking).
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: using session 
s889069:2708:1183752208:4 for {<>,<11>}.
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: found cached session id 
s889069:2708:1183752208:4 for {<>,<11>}.
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SEC_DEBUG_PRINT_KEYS is undefined, using 
default value of False
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"
Subsystem = "SCHEDD"
ParentUniqueID = "s889069:2707:1183752204"
ServerPid = 2710
SessionDuration = "8640000"
ServerCommandSock = "<>"
Command = 60010
AuthCommand = 11
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
Enact = "YES"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"
Integrity = "NO"
UseSession = "YES"
Sid = "s889069:2708:1183752208:4"
ValidCommands = 
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: Security Policy:
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"
Subsystem = "SCHEDD"
ParentUniqueID = "s889069:2707:1183752204"
ServerPid = 2710
SessionDuration = "8640000"
ServerCommandSock = "<>"
Command = 60010
AuthCommand = 11
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
Enact = "YES"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"
Integrity = "NO"
UseSession = "YES"
Sid = "s889069:2708:1183752208:4"
ValidCommands = 
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: negotiating security for command 11.
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: UDP, have_session == 1, can_neg == 1
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: UDP has session 
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: sending DC_AUTHENTICATE command
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: sending following classad:
MyType = ""
TargetType = ""
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"
Subsystem = "SCHEDD"
ParentUniqueID = "s889069:2707:1183752204"
ServerPid = 2710
SessionDuration = "8640000"
AuthCommand = 11
Enact = "YES"
AuthMethodsList = "FS,KERBEROS,GSI"
AuthMethods = "FS"
CryptoMethods = "3DES,BLOWFISH"
Authentication = "NO"
Encryption = "NO"
Integrity = "NO"
UseSession = "YES"
Sid = "s889069:2708:1183752208:4"
ValidCommands = 
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 6.8.5 May 17 2007 $"
ServerCommandSock = "<>"
Command = 11
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SECMAN: startCommand succeeded.
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:13) (pid:2710) PRIV_CONDOR --> PRIV_ROOT at sock.C:526
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:13) (pid:2710) PRIV_ROOT --> PRIV_CONDOR at sock.C:532
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SEND [1000] <> 
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:12) (pid:2710) SEND [174] <> 
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Entering DedicatedScheduler::checkSanity()
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) Finished 
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) In cancel_timer(), id=19
7/6 14:04:34 (fd:9) (pid:2710) DaemonCore Timeout() Complete, returning 51 

[3 job description]
# -*- mode: conf -*-
### Condor job description file for condor-test

universe = parallel
machine_count = 1
#getenv = true
executable = run_condor_parallel_java.sh
arguments = crap.jar condor-test.jar $(Process)

# output from class
output = condor-test.out$(NODE)
error = condor-test.out$(NODE)
log = log.$(NODE)

transfer_input_files = dist/condor-test.jar
should_transfer_files = YES
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT

# job processing settings
Notification = always

# WantRemoteIO = false
# WantIOProxy = false

# Requirements = Arch =!= ""

# What to do