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Re: [Condor-users] Idle Jobs in condor queue

Nitin Gavhane wrote:

0. it is a demo C program compiled with condor_compile,  the simple.c
is attached within this mail please go through it.
1. yes i am running checkpointing server.

a) your global condor_config is called "condor_config", and local is $HOSTNAME.local
b) both are in the same directory

can you run this in the config directory:

STARTERS="< --- put the execution machines' hostnames separated with spaces in here ---->"
l="condor_config ${STARTERS}"
for f in $l
  echo "current file: ${f}"
  grep CKPT ${f}
  grep DAEMON_LIST  ${f}
  echo "============="

thank you

On Nov 2, 2007 2:51 PM, Maxim kovgan <maxim.kvg@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
answer these please:
0. you are submitting into the standard universe, what kind of
executable is the file "simple" ?
1. are you running checkpointing server ?


Nitin Gavhane wrote:
hi all,
i am submitting jobs to condor, but the jobs remain in idle state. the
following are the details for my job submission.
[psegrid@niting-w2p ~]$ condor_status

Name          OpSys       Arch   State      Activity   LoadAv Mem   ActvtyTime

vm1@niting-w2 LINUX       INTEL  Owner      Idle       0.000   469  0+00:15:13
vm2@niting-w2 LINUX       INTEL  Unclaimed  Idle       0.000   469  0+00:00:09
vm1@psewebs-w LINUX       X86_64 Owner      Idle       0.070   753  0+00:15:15
vm2@psewebs-w LINUX       X86_64 Owner      Idle       0.000   753  0+00:15:15
vm3@psewebs-w LINUX       X86_64 Owner      Idle       0.000   753  0+00:15:15
vm4@psewebs-w LINUX       X86_64 Owner      Idle       0.000   753  0+00:15:15

                     Total Owner Claimed Unclaimed Matched Preempting Backfill

         INTEL/LINUX     2     1       0         1       0          0        0
        X86_64/LINUX     4     4       0         0       0          0        0

               Total     6     5       0         1       0          0        0

[psegrid@niting-w2p ~]$ cat simple.submit
Universe   = standard
Executable = simple
Requirements = OpSys == "LINUX"  && Arch == "X86_64"
Arguments  = 4 10
Log        = simple.log
Output     = simple.out
Error      = simple.error
should_transfer_files   = YES
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
[psegrid@niting-w2p ~]$ condor_q -better-analyze 85

-- Submitter: niting-w2p.corp.cdac.in : <> :
085.000:  Run analysis summary.  Of 6 machines,
      2 are rejected by your job's requirements
      4 reject your job because of their own requirements
      0 match but are serving users with a better priority in the pool
      0 match but reject the job for unknown reasons
      0 match but will not currently preempt their existing job
      0 are available to run your job
        No successful match recorded.
        Last failed match: Fri Nov  2 20:12:22 2007
        Reason for last match failure: no match found

The Requirements expression for your job is:

( target.OpSys == "LINUX" && target.Arch == "X86_64" ) &&
( ( target.CkptArch == target.Arch ) || ( target.CkptArch is undefined ) ) &&
( ( target.CkptOpSys == target.OpSys ) || ( target.CkptOpSys is undefined ) ) &&
( target.Disk >= DiskUsage ) && ( ( target.Memory * 1024 ) >= ImageSize )

    Condition                         Machines Matched    Suggestion
    ---------                         ----------------    ----------
1   target.Arch == "X86_64"           4
2   target.OpSys == "LINUX"           6
3   ( ( target.CkptArch == target.Arch ) || ( target.CkptArch is undefined ) )
4   ( ( target.CkptOpSys == target.OpSys ) || ( target.CkptOpSys is
undefined ) )
5   ( target.Disk >= 20000 )          6
6   ( ( 1024 * target.Memory ) >= 20000 )6
[psegrid@niting-w2p ~]$

please me what is the problem while matchmaking, why the jobs are
getting rejected and remains in idle state.

Thank you.
Nitin M. Gavhane
MS in Adavanced Software Technologies
International Institute of Information Technology
P-14,Hinjewadi,Pune, India.
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