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Re: [Condor-users] Problem : submitted jobs stay in I state even withavailable execute nodes.

Hello Steve,

I think a typo?

I see:

 target.Arch == "x86_64"  in your job add,


X86_64/LINUX in the status-overview.

so an capital X instead of lovercase ahead of 86_64.

This doesn't match and your job wil not run;


Pieter Oldenhuis.

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: condor-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:condor-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]Namens Steve Lidie
Verzonden: 20 oktober 2008 16:11
Aan: Condor-Users Mail List
Onderwerp: [Condor-users] Problem : submitted jobs stay in I state even
withavailable execute nodes.

I've setup a new condor master on some machine.  I then installed  
condor in AFS for a number of workstations so they can submit jobs:

./condor_install --install-dir=/usr/local/condor-7.0.4 -- 
type=submit,execute --central-manager=condor.cc.lehigh.edu

When I submit jobs they just sit in the queue, even though there are  
available machines:

[lusol@xs106d condor]$ condor_q -better-analyze

-- Submitter: xs106d.cc.lehigh.edu : <> :  
001.000:  Run analysis summary.  Of 258 machines,
    178 are rejected by your job's requirements
      7 reject your job because of their own requirements
      0 match but are serving users with a better priority in the pool
      0 match but reject the job for unknown reasons
      0 match but will not currently preempt their existing job
     73 are available to run your job
        Last successful match: Fri Oct 17 11:25:50 2008

The Requirements expression for your job is:

( ( target.Arch == "x86_64" ) ) && ( target.OpSys == "LINUX" ) &&
( target.Disk >= DiskUsage ) && ( ( target.Memory * 1024 ) >=  
ImageSize ) &&
( target.HasFileTransfer )

    Condition                         Machines Matched    Suggestion
    ---------                         ----------------    ----------
1   ( ( target.Arch == "x86_64" ) )   80
2   ( target.OpSys == "LINUX" )       216
3   ( target.Disk >= 1 )              258
4   ( ( 1024 * target.Memory ) >= 1 ) 258
5   ( target.HasFileTransfer )        258

The following attributes are missing from the job ClassAd:


Here's a condor_status summary:

                      Total Owner Claimed Unclaimed Matched Preempting  

          INTEL/LINUX   140     0       0       140       0           
0        0
            INTEL/OSX   102    18       0        84       0           
0        0
        INTEL/WINNT51    54    46       0         8       0           
0        0
         X86_64/LINUX    84     5       0        76       3           
0        0

                Total   380    69       0       308       3           
0        0

Any insight would be most appreciated ... thanks,

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