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[Condor-users] problem with submit file

Hi all,

I have a R program which calls other R functions and when I submit calling R file to condor .I'm getting a error "Failed to Parse Command file (line 1)".

Here is my Submit File


universe = vanilla
Executable = C:\Progra~1\R\R-2.11.1-x64\bin\RScript.exe
arguments = call_sqrt.R
getenv = true

should_transfer_files = YES
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
transfer_input_files = sqrt.R,sqr_num.R,add_num.R,sub_num
transfer_executable = false

Output = test_functions.out
Log = test_functions.log
error = test_functions.error



Can anyone tell me where I went wrong and my submit file is in the same folder where the other R programs are.

