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[Condor-users] condor_fetchlog - Couldn't fetch log: connection lost

I'm facing a problem with the condor_fetchlog command. Everytime when
I use it to transfer/view a logfile from one of my Windows execution
hosts it transfers a lot of the contents of the requested log file (so
I know that the command works in principle) but always comes back with
an error saying "Couldn't fetch log: connection lost" and the last
(most recent lines) from the transfered log file are missing (which
are unfortunately the most interesting ones ;-)). It happens for each
and every logfile on each and every of my Windows execution hosts.
Thus I suppose that there is a general problem with the command.

Some additional info:
- It seems to be independent of the size of the logfile (it always
transfers about 90% of the file even if it is quite large and then
comes up with the error)
- The command works perfectly when I try to transfer a logfile from a
Linux execution host (i.e. when I issue the command on a Windows
machine to get the logs from a Linux machine it works).

Is this a known issue? Is there any workaround?