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Re: [Condor-users] Only Send Emails on Error

Jeff Ramnani wrote:

However, when I add "Notification = Error" to my submit file, I
receive no email, even though the "hello.sh" script exits with a
non-zero exit code.  Am I misunderstanding what "Notification=Error"
does in a submit file?

Currently, Condor defines Error in the above situation to mean exited with an abnormal termination. On Linux/Unix, this means exited with a signal.

So my guess is if your test shell script ended with:
  # Terminate abnormally with signal ABORT
  kill -s ABRT $$

instead of
  # Terminate normally with an exit status
  exit 5
you would get the error email you expect.

Note that Condor makes it easy to put jobs on hold when they exit for any reason, including a normal (aka non-signal) exit status that you are not expecting via specifying ON_EXIT_HOLD. It would be nice if Condor would also send email in this case as well - I made a ticket about it at

Hope the above helps