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Re: [Condor-users] PID of condor_starter in Windows

Also, ProcessExplorer (one of the SysInternals tools) http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896653 will let you look at the environment (and a lot more) of a PID, which in turn will tell you what execute directory it is using. the execute directory has a copy of the job ad in it. this is great for working backwards from a PID to a job.


On 2/1/2012 5:27 PM, Mike Fienen wrote:
Hi All

I asked a question earlier about trying to link job number with physical running location on Windows. This has led me to a refined question:

Is there a log file that records both the PID and the condor job number in a way that I can link the two together? For debugging purposes, it is important for me to be able to physically locate certain jobs submitted through Condor, but unfortunately this is not straightforward. Condor_ssh_to_job is a fantastic resource for this on Linux, but of course, no dice in Windows.

Many thanks!


Michael Fienen, Ph. D.
Research Hydrologist, Groundwater Specialist
United States Geological Survey
Wisconsin Water Science Center
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