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[HTCondor-users] help

I am new to condor, and I need to setup the condor. In changing/editing etc/condor/condor_config having some confusions.I am using Ubuntu 13.10 . I have no idea where those directories are if you can please provide sample config files of Ubuntu so where i can look and see whats going on ?

##  Pathnames:
##  Where have you installed the bin, sbin and lib condor directories?
##what does that mean and where these directories are ? and how should i write here ? 
RELEASE_DIR      = /usr

##  Where is the local condor directory for each host? //where is that directory ? 
##  This is where the local config file(s), logs and  // where is that ? 
##  spool/execute directories are located
LOCAL_DIR        = /var
#LOCAL_DIR        = $(RELEASE_DIR)/hosts/$(HOSTNAME)

##  Where is the machine-specific local config file for each host?
LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE    = /etc/condor/condor_config.local

##  Where are optional machine-specific local config files located?
##  Config files are included in lexicographic order.
LOCAL_CONFIG_DIR    = /etc/condor/config.d

## Blacklist for file processing in the LOCAL_CONFIG_DIR
## LOCAL_CONFIG_DIR_EXCLUDE_REGEXP = ^((\..*)|(.*~)|(#.*)|(.*\.rpmsave)|(.*\.rpmnew))$

## If the local config file is not present, is it an error?
## WARNING: This is a potential security issue.
## If not specified, the default is True
