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Re: [HTCondor-users] Submitting a DAG

On Fri, 18 Apr 2014, O'Donnell, Michael wrote:

I am using Condor version 8.0.3 on Windows 7 for my submit machine and pool.
When I submit a DAG, the .out and .err files that are generated and
submitted within the DAG submit file does not match what Condor is searching
for and therefore the DAG does not submit the jobs and it changes to idle
state. Is anyone else experiencing this?
# This step works
condor_submit_dagÂ-no_submit -notification neverÂSTM_20140418_08h33m56s.dag

Okay, all that does is create the .condor.sub file -- it doesn't even actually interact with the schedd.

# Within theÂSTM_20140418_08h33m56s.dag.condor.sub
output = STM_20140418_08h33m56s.dag.lib.out
error = STM_20140418_08h33m56s.dag.lib.err
log = STM_20140418_08h33m56s.dag.dagman.log

# This step fails

# Error message (if you look above, Condor does not create this file)
ERROR "Cannot open log file'M:\Active\ODONNELL\HTCondor_SIM_Testing\_RunHTCondor\SSimJobs\Results\STM_
20140418_08h33m56s.dag.dagman.out'" at line 202 in file

Where did this message show up? In the lib.err file? Note that the DAGMan job doesn't expect this file (the dagman.out file) to already exist -- the DAGMan job will *create* the dagman.out file.

Is that path for the dagman.out file correct, and are the directory permissions correct? If the directory M:\Active\ODONNELL\HTCondor_SIM_Testing\ actually exists, I suspect a permission problem.

If I changeÂSTM_20140418_08h33m56s.dag.condor.sub so that the file names
match to something Condor is searching for, I still get an error that it
cannot find the file.

I don't quite understand what you mean by "match something Condor is searching for". Maybe you can send the original and modified .condor.sub files?

I can run the individual submit files that the DAG specify without any

Any thoughts? This seems like a bug because I have not had this problem with
DAGs in the past.

Could you send your full .condor.sub file, and the full output from condor_submit_dag? And all of the output and error files that were generated?

Kent Wenger