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Re: [HTCondor-users] POST script user privileges in DAG

Hi Brian,

If these form a linear sequence, then you can write a single node which does this:

#!/bin/sh -e
./script1 args1
./script2 args2
./script3 args3

'-e' causes the shell script to fail if any of its commands returns a non-zero exit status which is not trapped, e.g. by an 'if' statement.

Thanks for the tip! I do have a linear sequence but the computational resources required for each step vary tremendously (hours-long single threaded download vs multi-threaded compute that could take a couple days depending on number of cores available). I would prefer not to tie up so much computational resources for all steps so that my downloads could run in parallel and then just slowly crunch through the compute later. Another reason for this is that download times can vary greatly (depending on how busy server is).
