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Re: [HTCondor-users] change to condor_submit - user feedback desired! (was Re: multiple condor_submit's - one cluster)

> On Feb 6, 2015, at 10:40 AM, David Champion <dgc@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Todd -
> * On 06 Feb 2015, Todd Tannenbaum wrote: 
>> 1. A "queue foreach <filepattern>" command.  Folks could then have submit
>> files that look like this:
>>    input = $(file)
>>    output = $(file).output
>>    queue foreach data/*.csv
>> So for each file in subdir data that ends in .csv, a job would be submitted
>> and $(file) would expand to the path to the file.
> I like the general idea.  Maybe "queue for file in data/*.csv" instead,
> to allow user to identify the variable (and match common syntax).

I actually filed a ticket on this awhile back:


(the basic idea had been floating around unwritten for a few months before that even).

Honestly, I don't particularly like the stdin-style approaches because, when debugging, it's a little less apparent on how to reproduce because you don't see what users gave you; it is more unix-y though!
