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[HTCondor-users] Permission problem

Dear all,

we are running
$CondorVersion: 7.8.5 Oct 09 2012 BuildID: 68720 $

on CentOS 6.3Â rocks cluster
$CondorPlatform: x86_64_rhap_6.3 $

and we are facing permission problems that usually happen in one or two computing nodes and it is difficult to reproduce. For now the only way to avoid the problem is restarting condor but after a few job submissions the problem appears again

The submission log show erros like this


007 (38783.000.000) 04/30 20:06:21 Shadow exception!
ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ Error from slot1@xxxxxxxxxx: Failed to open '/mnt/scratch/users/angelofausti/master_des/000010018999/condor/skymap_skymap_1.11
1.out' as standard output: Permission denied (errno 13)
ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ 0Â -Â Run Bytes Sent By Job
ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ 0Â -Â Run Bytes Received By Job
012 (38783.000.000) 04/30 20:06:21 Job was held.
ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ Error from slot1@xxxxxxxxxx: Failed to open '/mnt/scratch/users/angelofausti/master_des/000010018999/condor/skymap_skymap_1.11
1.out' as standard output: Permission denied (errno 13)
ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ Code 7 Subcode 13

when that happens Condor executes the job with user and group nobody instead of the user that submitted the job and does not have permission to write in the user files.

In the computing node the StartLog show erros like this

[angelofausti@nc02 ~]$ cat /var/opt/condor/log/StartLog | grep PERMISSION

04/30/15 23:44:15 PERMISSION DENIED to unauthenticated@unmapped from host for command 440 (MATCH_INFO), access level NEGOTIATOR: reason: NEGOTIATOR authorization policy contains no matching ALLOW entry for this request; identifiers used for thisÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ host:,ferocks.local, hostname size = 1, original ip address =

any suggestion?


Angelo Fausti Neto
LIneA (www.linea.gov.br)

Skype: angelofausti
Cell phone: +55 51 81142801