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Re: [HTCondor-users] qedit question

Hi Don,

Yes, the combination of bash and HTCondor string escaping rules is quite painful.

The correct string that needs to be passed to HTCondor is âabc-defâ.  However, bash will remove the double-quotes before handing the argument to condor.

To protect the double quotes, you need to use single quotes.  That is, type the following into the terminal:

condor_qedit ... ProjectName ââabc-defâ'

(in case the font renders poorly, the sequence of characters âsingle-quote double-quote abc-def double-quote single-quoteâ).


On Mar 1, 2016, at 1:15 PM, Krieger, Donald N. <kriegerd@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

I would like to use qedit to alter the attribute, ProjectName, under which a queued job will run.
I can change it to abc which âcondor_q âlong âattribute ProjectNameâ confirms: âqedit â ProjectName abcâ
But when I try to change it to abc-def, condor_q shows it has been changed to âabc â defâ, i.e. spaces have been introduced around the â-â.
Iâve tried âabc-defâ, âabc-defâ, âabc\-defâ, âabc\-defâ, all without success.
Best - Don
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