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Re: [HTCondor-users] 2 to 3 minute gap between run of startd_cron and update of classadd ?

Hi Christoph:

Is it possible that the startd cron is running correct, and updating the new value in the startd's copy of the classad, but the startd isn't sending the new classad to the collector, for condor_status to see immediately? Does condor_status -direct show the new value? Perhaps setting
-update: true
in the classad will help:



On 8/27/21 4:57 AM, Beyer, Christoph wrote:

I am using startd_cron to run a script every 30s that returns a classadd called

START_NOTEBOOK = true/false

Everything looks ok, but once the return from the script changes from true to false it takes the startd roughly 3 minutes (thats 5 to 6 more cron runs) to reflect the change in classadd value.

Is this 'to-be-expected' or is there a way to make this mor speedy or is it me being stupid (possible, happened before) ;)
