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Re: [HTCondor-users] problems with submission to Scheduler universe

thank ToddM
 requirements = TARGET.Cpus == 1
worked like a charm :-)

not very elegant, but surely simple.
In the end ... it is just another way to achieve what we were doing
previously with the similarly non-elegant and awfully cryptic
 requirements = (true || false)

when using that as a classAd in the old syntax schedd.submit(ads,..)
the job requirement prepared by the binding was w/o the () :
  requirements = true || false && TARGET.this==that && ...
so everything but the first "true" was dummyfied.

that was written 10+ years ago in the infancy of python bindings
let's not blame the original implementer (Brian, btw)

It took me all those years make sense of "true || false" !
