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[condor-users] Monitoring DAGs

Peter Shawhan wrote:
pshawhan> watch_dag H1H2part1.pss2.dag
Stage  Executable               Total Waiting Queued Running Succeeded Failed
  1    lalapps_tmpltbank          238       0      0       0       228     10
  2    lalapps_inspiral           238      10      0       7       221      0
  3    lalapps_inca               238      17      0       0       221      0
  4    lalapps_inspiral           238      17      2      77       142      0
  5    lalapps_inca               238     142     36       0        60      0

Very nice! I can see how this would be very useful to many people.

A relatively new feature of DAGMan is the ability to create so called dot files. Dot is part of the graphviz package, and it can create graphical represetations of DAGs. Just add a command to you DAGMan input file, and it will create one or more dot files, which you can visualize with dot.

It's documented in Section 2.11.7 of the Condor 6.6.0 manual:


This is a very different visualization from watch_dag, and both have their place. I'm glad to see that watch_dag has become available.


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