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[HTCondor-users] configuration of a curl option in the curl_plugin

Dear all,

to transfer the output of my job to some storage element, I need to specify the capath to the curl plugin.

I have added the following lines in the "InitializeCurlHandle" of src/condor_filetransfer_plugins/multifile_curl_plugin.cpp:

const char *capath = "/cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/ATLASLocalRootBase/etc/grid-security-emi/certificates";

r = curl_easy_setopt( _handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1L);
if (r != CURLE_OK) {
ÂÂ fprintf(stderr, "Can't setopt SSL_VERIFYPEER\n");
r = curl_easy_setopt( _handle, CURLOPT_CAPATH, capath);
if (r != CURLE_OK) {
ÂÂ fprintf(stderr, "Can't setopt CAPATH\n");
I recompiled HTCondor and it made the job.

Rather than hardcoding the variable, I would like to retrieve it from the environment setup via:

const char *capath = getenv("CONDOR_CURL_OPTION_CAPATH");ÂÂ

My question is, where should I define this environment variable in the HTCondor configuration, so that this definition would override any existing environment?

I found that environment variables can be defined in the jdl via:

environment = "CONDOR_CURL_OPTION_CAPATH=/cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/ATLASLocalRootBase/etc/grid-security-emi/certificates"

But I guess this will only override the environment on the submit node, while the curl_plugin is running on the worker.

Thanks a lot in advance for your answer and help!
