Re: [Gems-users] Unknown SPARC Instructions in OPAL

Date: Thu, 07 Apr 2005 15:47:15 -0500
From: "Min Xu (Hsu)" <xu@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] Unknown SPARC Instructions in OPAL
Weihang Jiang wrote:

   I am runing DB2 on SIMICS/GEMS. Opal printed out :###
statici::decodeFails. line:3274. inst=0xff2c07a8

1111 1111 0010 1100:0000 0111 1010 1000

  As SPARC V9 manual says, rd (bit 29 to 25) should be 0 or 1. (So
does opal think) I am not sure why here rd is "11111", which is

  Since you have run DB2 before, maybe you have some idea.

It could be an extention of UltraSPARC. Check UltraSPARC manual. I have seen this on newer workloads too.

That is what makes time travel into our past impossible and thereby
explains, as those who say it is possible cannot explain, why it will
never happen - as we know it will not, since we know it never has.
 -- D. H. Mellor, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, University of Cambridge

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