[Gems-users] Access CacheMemory object inside the .sm file

Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2005 09:06:53 -0500
From: <adash@xxxxxxx>
Subject: [Gems-users] Access CacheMemory object inside the .sm file

I have modified the ruby/system/CacheMemory.h file and wanted
to access an object of the CacheMemory(to do a function
call) inside the code for "address network" of the 
MOSI_SMP_bcast_1level-cache.sm file (protocol
file) but it gives me the following error while doing 
a "make"

Error: Invalid method call: Type 'CacheMemory' does not have 
a method '<function name>_Address_CoherenceRequestType'

How do I go about accessing these functions defined inside 
the CacheMemory.h?
I have no problems in accessing these functions inside the 
code for "mandatory queue" in the .sm file.

Thanks for all your help,
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