Re: [Gems-users] regarding tester

Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2005 13:24:25 -0500 (CDT)
From: Bradford Beckmann <beckmann@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] regarding tester
On Thu, 6 Oct 2005, Salil... wrote:

> hi
>     I am running the deterministic tester ( the RANDOMIZATION variable
> is set to false & deterministic driver set to true). Actually I dont
> know whether its done or not It seems to be writing into the trace file
> and I can also see the End System configuration print messages.Also I
> tried running the tester on one of the protocols thats already been
> provided, MOSI_SMP_bcast, and it doesent seem to finish also (actually
> how long does the tester take to finish?).
> this is how I am running the tester

Well, I believe the deterministic driver has a bug for run lengths longer
than 1.  We'll fix this in the next release of GEMS.

> ./tester_exec -l10000 -cNqc -p4 -a1 -vlow
> regarding my previous question.  I wanted to know whether the tester has
> some timeouts for responses, to catch cases where requests are stalled
> forever .

Yes there is a deadlock check performed by the Sequencer.  Look at
system/Sequencer.C for details.

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