Re: [Gems-users] Injection rate option doesn't work

Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2010 11:46:08 -0500
From: Niket Agarwal <niketa@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] Injection rate option doesn't work
Hi Minneong, 

What you are seeing is "Average network latency" and it is the number of cycles that a flit spends in the network. At saturation, this does not increase and what increases is the queuing delay at network interfaces. In the printStats function in GarnetNetwork_d.C, please uncomment the lines that print out the queuing latency and total latency to see those values. 


On Jan 24, 2010, at 7:49 AM, Minjeong Shin wrote:

Hi Niket,
I wanted to get “injection rate – average latency” curve which is in the GARNET technical paper,
However, injection rate option (‘-i’ parameter) in the network-tester doesn’t work at all.
I checked the “Tester.C” file and injection_rate was just set to 0.1.
However, even if I change the injection_rate value, Average network latency never increased over 100.
And I don’t see any similarity between my result and the curve in the paper.
Is there anything I did wrong?
lease help me doing this.
Thank you.

Minjeong Shin
Dept. of Computer Science
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

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