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Re: [Condor-users] 6.7.20 windows condor_quill problem

And the next day the scheduler is started I got this:

This is an automated email from the Condor system
on machine "snoopy.digicpictures.local".  Do not reply.

"C:\Condor/bin/condor_quill.exe" on "snoopy.digicpictures.local" died due to exception ACCESS_VIOLATION.

Condor will automatically restart this process in 13 seconds.

*** Last 20 line(s) of file QuillLog:
7/4 10:16:34 configuring quill options from config file
7/4 10:16:34 Using Job Queue File C:\Condor/spool/job_queue.log
7/4 10:16:34 Using Database IpAddress =
7/4 10:16:34 Using Database Name = CondorDatabase_snoopy
7/4 10:16:34 Using Database Connection Information: host= port=5432 user=quillwriter dbname=CondorDatabase_snoopy7/4 10:16:34 Using Polling Period = 10

7/4 10:16:34 Using Purge History Duration = 30 days
7/4 10:16:34 Using History Cleaning Interval = 24 hours
7/4 10:16:34 Using PostgreSQL version 80001
7/4 10:16:34 WARNING: You are using an older version of PostgreSQL
7/4 10:16:34 We recommend that users upgrade to version 8.1 of PostgreSQL
7/4 10:16:34 Maintenance tasks such as vacuuming in prior versions are not
7/4 10:16:34 automated. Over time, this can degrade Quill's performance
7/4 10:16:34 Starting 8.1, such maintenance tasks are completely integrated
7/4 10:16:34 and automated.
7/4 10:16:34 Schema Check OK!
7/4 10:16:34 Schema Version Check OK!
7/4 10:16:34 ******** Start of Probing Job Queue Log File ********
7/4 10:16:34 === Current Probing Information ===
7/4 10:16:34 fsize: 2697926		mtime: 1152000957
7/4 10:16:34 first log entry: 0.0 (null) (null)
*** End of file QuillLog

*** Last entry in core file core.QUILL.WIN32

Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION
Fault address:  0046C619 01:0006B619 C:\Condor\bin\condor_quill.exe

SS:ESP:0023:0012FBE4  EBP:0012FD84
DS:0023  ES:0023  FS:003B  GS:0000

Call stack:
Address   Frame
0046C619  0012FBF0  atol+20
004063EC  0012FD84  Prober::probe+111
004039BB  0012FDA0  JobQueueDBManager::maintain+4D
0040603C  0012FDAC  JobQueueDBManager::pollingTime+1B
0044E2D9  00000001  TimerManager::Timeout+14C

*** End of file core.QUILL.WIN32

So now I have to disable quill again.
