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Re: [Condor-users] [?????]


> Speaking of requests. If I was going to make one of my own it'd be
> that nothing in the default condor_status view columns be computed.
> That all the values shown be true ClassAd attributes. Formatted is
> okay (as in turning an integer into a D+HH:MM:SS string) but in the
> case of ActvtyTime it's the only value you can't access directly
> from the machine's ClassAd.

Using the Condor 6.8/6.9 ClassAd functions, you can get the exact
value that is printed in condor_status with:

-format '%s\n' 'interval(LastHeardFrom - EnteredCurrentActivity)'

Or unformatted as:

-format '%d\n' '(LastHeardFrom - EnteredCurrentActivity)'

You can also use '(LastHeardFrom - EnteredCurrentActivity)' in any
constraint expression, or isn't this sufficient?

Daniel K. Forrest	Laboratory for Molecular and
forrest@xxxxxxxxxxxxx	Computational Genomics
(608) 262 - 9479	University of Wisconsin, Madison