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Re: [Condor-users] Java not recognised by Condor

> This is not true in the general case.  If there is already something
> whose
> 8.3 name is PROGRA~1 in the same directory as "Program Files", that was
> created _before_ the "Program Files" directory, then "Program Files"
> will
> have a different 8.3 name.  This is certainly an unlikely circumstance,
> but I have come across at least 2 machines where it was the case.

Interesting, I've never run into this. Under what circumstances 
did you encounter the directory "Program Files" not being mapped to 
"PROGRA~1"?  I figured that since the directory it is put in place 
during an install, it would always be this way, except possibly 
on customized installation.  

> <snip>
> > In my experience, directories on two disparate machines will agree
> > on the same 8.3 directory name, given an identical long filename.
> This is only true if neither machine has any files or directories with
> that 8.3 name already in the parent directory.  If there is such a file
> or
> directory on one machine but not the other, then the identical long
> filename would not resolve to the same 8.3 name on both machines.
> In the particular example (C:\PROGRA~1\Java\JDK16~1.0_0), you could see
> this happening if:
> - one machine had JDK 6 Update 7 and JDK 6 Update 5 installed,
> - while the other had JDK 6 Update 7, JDK 6 Update 6 and JDK 6 Update
> 5.

Yup, that would do it. Good call. Fortunately for us, jdk1.6.0_07 has no 
spaces in it, so Condor won't be get confused in this instance :)
