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[Condor-users] VM universe problem

I am trying to get the VM universe working with xen in my condor pool.
I am running condor 7.1.3, and Xen 3.0.3 (under linux).
I have set up the VM section of "condor_config" and
"condor_vmgahp_config.xen", but the resource classad shows "HasVM =

The StartLog shows the following:

2/12 17:52:54 Warning: '/opt/condor/sbin/condor_vm-gahp -f -M 0
gahpconfig /opt/condor/condor_vmgahp_config.xen vmtype xen' did not
produce any valid output.
2/12 17:52:54 
##### Make sure the followings to use VM universe for Xen
### - The owner of script progrm like 'condor_vm_xen.sh' must be root
### - The script program must be executable
### - Other writable bit for the above files is not allowed.
2/12 17:52:54 Test of vmgahp for VM_TYPE('xen') failed. So we disabled
VM Universe

But, when I run that command manually as root, it gives:

# /opt/condor/sbin/condor_vm-gahp -f -M 0
gahpconfig /opt/condor/condor_vmgahp_config.xen vmtype xen
VM_Type = "xen"
VM_Version = "3.0.3"
VM_Memory = 500
VM_Networking = TRUE
VM_Networking_Types = "nat,bridge"

Is this output invalid or are the daemons seeing something else when
they run it?  I would really appreciate some help with this.
