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Re: [Condor-users] Help!! Condor_q shows empty queue, but "condor_q -long" don't

Here is the output:

$ condor_q -debug                                                                                                  
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) LOGS_USE_TIMESTAMP is undefined, using default value of False                                              
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) config: using subsystem 'TOOL', local ''                                                                   
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Reading condor configuration from '/etc/condor/condor_config'                                              
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Finding local host information, calling gethostname()                                                      
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) gethostname() returned a host with no domain "moema"                                                       
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Trying to find full hostname and IP addr for "moema"                                                       
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Calling gethostbyname(moema)                                                                               
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Found IP addr in hostent:                                                                  
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Trying to find full hostname from hostent                                                                  
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Main name in hostent "moema" contains no '.', checking aliases                                             
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Checking alias "moema.cti.gov.br"                                                                          
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Alias "moema.cti.gov.br" is fully qualified                                                                
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Trying to initialize local IP address (config file not read)                                               
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Already found IP with gethostbyname()                                                                      
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Config 'LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE': no prefix ==> '/etc/condor_config.local'                                       
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Config 'LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE': no prefix ==> '/etc/condor_config.local'                                       
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) NET_REMAP_ENABLE is undefined, using default value of False                                                
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) PASSWD_CACHE_REFRESH is undefined, using default value of 351                                              
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) ENABLE_RUNTIME_CONFIG is undefined, using default value of False                                           
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) ENABLE_PERSISTENT_CONFIG is undefined, using default value of False                                        
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Trying to initialize local IP address (after reading config)                                               
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) NETWORK_INTERFACE not in config file, using existing value                                                 
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Config 'FILESYSTEM_DOMAIN': no prefix ==> '$(FULL_HOSTNAME)'                                               
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Config 'UID_DOMAIN': no prefix ==> '$(FULL_HOSTNAME)'                                                      
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) ABORT_ON_EXCEPTION is undefined, using default value of False                                              
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Config 'TOOL_DEBUG': no prefix ==> 'D_ALL'                                                                 
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Config 'COLLECTOR_HOST': no prefix ==> '$(CONDOR_HOST)'                                                    
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) COLLECTOR_HOST is set to "moema.cti.gov.br"                                                                
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) KEYCACHE: created: 0x1839040                                                                               
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) TOOL_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER is undefined, using default value of 0                                             
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) New Daemon obj (collector) name: "moema.cti.gov.br", pool: "NULL", addr: "NULL"                            
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) NONBLOCKING_COLLECTOR_UPDATE is undefined, using default value of True                                     
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Using name "moema.cti.gov.br" to find daemon                                                               
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Port not specified, using default (9618)                                                                   
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Host info "moema.cti.gov.br" is a hostname, finding IP address                                             
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Trying to find IP addr for "moema.cti.gov.br"                                                              
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Calling gethostbyname(moema.cti.gov.br)                                                                    
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Found IP addr in hostent:                                                                  
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Found IP address and port <>                                                           
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) DEAD_COLLECTOR_MAX_AVOIDANCE_TIME is undefined, using default value of 3600                                
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Will use UDP to update collector moema.cti.gov.br <>                                   
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) TOOL_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER is undefined, using default value of 0                                             
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) New Daemon obj (schedd) name: "NULL", pool: "NULL", addr: "NULL"                                           
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Neither name nor addr specified, using local values - name: "moema.cti.gov.br", full host: "moema.cti.gov.br"                                                                                                                                          
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Config 'SCHEDD_DAEMON_AD_FILE': no prefix ==> '$(LOG)/.schedd_classad'                                     
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Finding classad for local daemon, SCHEDD_DAEMON_AD_FILE is "/var/lib/condor/log/.schedd_classad"           
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Found Name in ClassAd, using "moema.cti.gov.br"                                                            
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Found PublicNetworkIpAddr in ClassAd, using "<>"                                      
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Found CondorVersion in ClassAd, using "$CondorVersion: 7.2.4 Apr 11 2010 $"                                
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Found CondorPlatform in ClassAd, using "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-LINUX_DEBIAN_UNKNOWN $"                    
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Found Machine in ClassAd, using "moema.cti.gov.br"                                                         
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Using port 39045 based on address "<>"                                                
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) TOOL_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER is undefined, using default value of 0                                             
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) New Daemon obj (schedd) name: "moema.cti.gov.br", pool: "NULL", addr: "NULL"                               
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Finding proper daemon name for "moema.cti.gov.br"                                                          
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Daemon name contains no '@', treating as a regular hostname                                                
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Given name is fully qualified, done                                                                        
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Returning daemon name: "moema.cti.gov.br"                                                                  
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Using "moema.cti.gov.br" for name in Daemon object                                                         
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Using "moema.cti.gov.br" for full hostname in Daemon object                                                
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Local daemon name would be "moema.cti.gov.br"                                                              
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Name "moema.cti.gov.br" matches local name and no pool given, treating as a local daemon                   
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Config 'SCHEDD_DAEMON_AD_FILE': no prefix ==> '$(LOG)/.schedd_classad'                                     
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Finding classad for local daemon, SCHEDD_DAEMON_AD_FILE is "/var/lib/condor/log/.schedd_classad"           
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Found Name in ClassAd, using "moema.cti.gov.br"                                                            
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Found PublicNetworkIpAddr in ClassAd, using "<>"                                      
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Found CondorVersion in ClassAd, using "$CondorVersion: 7.2.4 Apr 11 2010 $"                                
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Found CondorPlatform in ClassAd, using "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-LINUX_DEBIAN_UNKNOWN $"                    
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Found Machine in ClassAd, using "moema.cti.gov.br"                                                         
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Using port 39045 based on address "<>"                                                
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Daemon isn't local and couldn't find version string with locate(), giving up                               
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Q_QUERY_TIMEOUT is undefined, using default value of 20                                                    
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) TOOL_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER is undefined, using default value of 0                                             
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) New Daemon obj (schedd) name: "NULL", pool: "NULL", addr: "<>"                        
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Already have address, no info to locate                                                                    
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Using port 39045 based on address "<>"                                                
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb6625640 resetting                                                                          
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb6625640 resetting                                                                          
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb6625640 adding fd 3 (socket:[594142])                                                      
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb6625640 adding fd 3 (socket:[594142])                                                      
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) CONNECT src="" href="">> fd=3 dst=<>                                       
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) SECMAN: command 1111 QMGMT_CMD to schedd at <> from TCP port 47517 (blocking).        
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) SECMAN: no cached key for {<>,<1111>}.                                                
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) SECMAN: Security Policy:                                                                                   
MyType = ""                                                                                                                                
TargetType = ""                                                                                                                            
AuthMethods = "FS"                                                                                                                         
CryptoMethods = ""                                                                                                                         
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"                                                                                                          
Authentication = "OPTIONAL"                                                                                                                
Encryption = "OPTIONAL"                                                                                                                    
Integrity = "OPTIONAL"                                                                                                                     
Enact = "NO"                                                                                                                               
Subsystem = "TOOL"                                                                                                                         
ServerPid = 6487                                                                                                                           
SessionDuration = "60"                                                                                                                     
NewSession = "YES"                                                                                                                         
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) SECMAN: negotiating security for command 1111.                                                             
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) SECMAN: sending DC_AUTHENTICATE command                                                                    
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) SECMAN: sending following classad:                                                                         
MyType = ""                                                                                                                                
TargetType = ""                                                                                                                            
AuthMethods = "FS"                                                                                                                         
CryptoMethods = ""                                                                                                                         
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"                                                                                                          
Authentication = "OPTIONAL"                                                                                                                
Encryption = "OPTIONAL"                                                                                                                    
Integrity = "OPTIONAL"                                                                                                                     
Enact = "NO"                                                                                                                               
Subsystem = "TOOL"                                                                                                                         
ServerPid = 6487                                                                                                                           
SessionDuration = "60"                                                                                                                     
NewSession = "YES"                                                                                                                         
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 7.2.4 Apr 11 2010 $"                                                                                      
Command = 1111                                                                                                                             
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) ENCRYPT_SECRETS is undefined, using default value of True                                                  
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) ENCRYPT_SECRETS is undefined, using default value of True                                                  
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) ENCRYPT_SECRETS is undefined, using default value of True                                                  
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) ENCRYPT_SECRETS is undefined, using default value of True                                                  
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) ENCRYPT_SECRETS is undefined, using default value of True                                                  
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) ENCRYPT_SECRETS is undefined, using default value of True                                                  
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) ENCRYPT_SECRETS is undefined, using default value of True                                                  
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) ENCRYPT_SECRETS is undefined, using default value of True                                                  
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) ENCRYPT_SECRETS is undefined, using default value of True                                                  
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) ENCRYPT_SECRETS is undefined, using default value of True                                                  
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) ENCRYPT_SECRETS is undefined, using default value of True                                                  
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) ENCRYPT_SECRETS is undefined, using default value of True                                                  
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) ENCRYPT_SECRETS is undefined, using default value of True                                                  
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb66251e0 resetting                                                                          
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) condor_write(fd=3 <>,,size=358,timeout=20,flags=0)                                    
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb66251e0 adding fd 3 (socket:[594142])                                                      
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb66251e0 adding fd 3 (socket:[594142])                                                      
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb66251e0 adding fd 3 (socket:[594142])                                                      
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb66251e0 adding fd 3 (socket:[594142])                                                      
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb66251b0 resetting                                                                          
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) condor_read(fd=3 <>,,size=5,timeout=20,flags=0)                                       
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb66251b0 adding fd 3 (socket:[594142])                                                      
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) condor_read(): fd=3                                                                                        
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) condor_read(): select returned 1                                                                           
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb6625160 resetting                                                                          
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) condor_read(fd=3 <>,,size=271,timeout=20,flags=0)                                     
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb6625160 adding fd 3 (socket:[594142])                                                      
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) condor_read(): fd=3                                                                                        
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) condor_read(): select returned 1                                                                           
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) SECMAN: server responded with:                                                                             
MyType = "(unknown type)"                                                                                                                  
TargetType = "(unknown type)"                                                                                                              
Authentication = "NO"                                                                                                                      
Encryption = "NO"                                                                                                                          
Integrity = "NO"                                                                                                                           
AuthMethodsList = "FS"                                                                                                                     
AuthMethods = "FS"                                                                                                                         
CryptoMethods = ""                                                                                                                         
SessionDuration = "60"                                                                                                                     
Enact = "YES"                                                                                                                              
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 7.2.4 Apr 11 2010 $"                                                                                      
ServerTime = 1308328237                                                                                                                    
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb66250f0 resetting                                                                          
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) condor_read(fd=3 <>,,size=5,timeout=20,flags=0)                                       
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb66250f0 adding fd 3 (socket:[594142])                                                      
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) condor_read(): fd=3                                                                                        
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) condor_read(): select returned 1                                                                           
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb66250a0 resetting                                                                          
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) condor_read(fd=3 <>,,size=138,timeout=20,flags=0)                                     
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb66250a0 adding fd 3 (socket:[594142])                                                      
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) condor_read(): fd=3                                                                                        
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) condor_read(): select returned 1                                                                           
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) SECMAN: received post-auth classad:                                                                        
MyType = "(unknown type)"                                                                                                                  
TargetType = "(unknown type)"                                                                                                              
Sid = "moema:6395:1308328237:11"                                                                                                           
ValidCommands = "60007,60011,1111,457,471"                                                                                                 
ServerTime = 1308328237                                                                                                                    
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) SECMAN: policy to be cached:                                                                               
MyType = ""                                                                                                                                
TargetType = ""                                                                                                                            
OutgoingNegotiation = "PREFERRED"                                                                                                          
Subsystem = "TOOL"                                                                                                                         
Command = 1111                                                                                                                             
RemoteVersion = "$CondorVersion: 7.2.4 Apr 11 2010 $"                                                                                      
Enact = "YES"                                                                                                                              
AuthMethodsList = "FS"                                                                                                                     
AuthMethods = "FS"                                                                                                                         
CryptoMethods = ""                                                                                                                         
Authentication = "NO"                                                                                                                      
Encryption = "NO"                                                                                                                          
Integrity = "NO"                                                                                                                           
SessionDuration = "60"                                                                                                                     
UseSession = "YES"                                                                                                                         
Sid = "moema:6395:1308328237:11"                                                                                                           
ValidCommands = "60007,60011,1111,457,471"                                                                                                 
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) SECMAN: added session moema:6395:1308328237:11 to cache for 60 seconds.                                    
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) SECMAN: command {<>,<60007>} mapped to session moema:6395:1308328237:11.              
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) SECMAN: command {<>,<60011>} mapped to session moema:6395:1308328237:11.              
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) SECMAN: command {<>,<1111>} mapped to session moema:6395:1308328237:11.               
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) SECMAN: command {<>,<457>} mapped to session moema:6395:1308328237:11.                
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) SECMAN: command {<>,<471>} mapped to session moema:6395:1308328237:11.                
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) SECMAN: startCommand succeeded.                                                                            
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Authorizing server '*/'.                                                                    
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Config 'HOSTALLOW_READ': no prefix ==> '$(FULL_HOSTNAME)'                                                  
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) IPVERIFY: allow READ : moema.cti.gov.br (from config value HOSTALLOW_READ)                                 
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Config 'HOSTALLOW_WRITE': no prefix ==> '$(FULL_HOSTNAME)'                                                 
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) IPVERIFY: allow WRITE : moema.cti.gov.br (from config value HOSTALLOW_WRITE)                               
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Config 'HOSTALLOW_NEGOTIATOR': no prefix ==> '$(CONDOR_HOST)'                                              
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) IPVERIFY: allow NEGOTIATOR : moema.cti.gov.br (from config value HOSTALLOW_NEGOTIATOR)                     
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Config 'HOSTALLOW_ADMINISTRATOR': no prefix ==> '$(CONDOR_HOST)'                                           
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) IPVERIFY: allow ADMINISTRATOR : moema.cti.gov.br (from config value HOSTALLOW_ADMINISTRATOR)               
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Config 'HOSTALLOW_OWNER': no prefix ==> '$(FULL_HOSTNAME), $(HOSTALLOW_ADMINISTRATOR)'                     
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) IPVERIFY: allow OWNER : moema.cti.gov.br, moema.cti.gov.br (from config value HOSTALLOW_OWNER)             
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Config 'HOSTALLOW_WRITE': no prefix ==> '$(FULL_HOSTNAME)'                                                 
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) IPVERIFY: allow DAEMON : moema.cti.gov.br (from config value HOSTALLOW_WRITE)                              
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Config 'HOSTALLOW_WRITE': no prefix ==> '$(FULL_HOSTNAME)'                                                 
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) IPVERIFY: allow ADVERTISE_STARTD : moema.cti.gov.br (from config value HOSTALLOW_WRITE)                    
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Config 'HOSTALLOW_WRITE': no prefix ==> '$(FULL_HOSTNAME)'                                                 
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) IPVERIFY: allow ADVERTISE_SCHEDD : moema.cti.gov.br (from config value HOSTALLOW_WRITE)                    
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Config 'HOSTALLOW_WRITE': no prefix ==> '$(FULL_HOSTNAME)'                                                 
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) IPVERIFY: allow ADVERTISE_MASTER : moema.cti.gov.br (from config value HOSTALLOW_WRITE)                    
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Initialized the following authorization table:                                                             
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Authorizations yet to be resolved:                                                                         
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) allow READ:  */ */moema.cti.gov.br                                                          
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) allow WRITE:  */ */moema.cti.gov.br                                                         
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) allow NEGOTIATOR:  */ */moema.cti.gov.br                                                    
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) allow ADMINISTRATOR:  */ */moema.cti.gov.br                                                 
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) allow OWNER:  */ */ */moema.cti.gov.br */moema.cti.gov.br                    
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) allow DAEMON:  */ */moema.cti.gov.br                                                        
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) allow ADVERTISE_STARTD:  */ */moema.cti.gov.br                                              
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) allow ADVERTISE_SCHEDD:  */ */moema.cti.gov.br                                              
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) allow ADVERTISE_MASTER:  */ */moema.cti.gov.br                                              
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Destroying Daemon object:                                                                                  
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Type: 3 (schedd), Name: (null), Addr: <>                                              
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) FullHost: (null), Host: (null), Pool: (null), Port: 39045                                                  
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) IsLocal: N, IdStr: schedd at <>, Error: (null)                                        
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487)  --- End of Daemon object info ---                                                                         
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb66256b0 resetting                                                                          
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) condor_write(fd=3 <>,,size=148,timeout=20,flags=0)                                    
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb66256b0 adding fd 3 (socket:[594142])                                                      
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb66256b0 adding fd 3 (socket:[594142])                                                      
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb66256b0 adding fd 3 (socket:[594142])                                                      
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb66256b0 adding fd 3 (socket:[594142])                                                      
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb6625690 resetting                                                                          
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) condor_read(fd=3 <>,,size=5,timeout=20,flags=0)                                       
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb6625690 adding fd 3 (socket:[594142])                                                      
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) condor_read(): fd=3                                                                                        
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) condor_read(): select returned 1                                                                           
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb6625640 resetting                                                                          
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) condor_read(fd=3 <>,,size=285,timeout=20,flags=0)                                     
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb6625640 adding fd 3 (socket:[594142])                                                      
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) condor_read(): fd=3                                                                                        
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) condor_read(): select returned 1                                                                           
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb6625790 resetting                                                                          
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) condor_write(fd=3 <>,,size=13,timeout=20,flags=0)                                     
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb6625790 adding fd 3 (socket:[594142])                                                      
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb6625790 adding fd 3 (socket:[594142])                                                      
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb6625790 adding fd 3 (socket:[594142])                                                      
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb6625790 adding fd 3 (socket:[594142])                                                      
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb6625770 resetting                                                                          
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) condor_read(fd=3 <>,,size=5,timeout=20,flags=0)                                       
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb6625770 adding fd 3 (socket:[594142])                                                      
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) condor_read(): fd=3                                                                                        
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) condor_read(): select returned 1                                                                           
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb6625720 resetting                                                                          
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) condor_read(fd=3 <>,,size=8,timeout=20,flags=0)                                       
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb6625720 adding fd 3 (socket:[594142])                                                      
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) condor_read(): fd=3                                                                                        
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) condor_read(): select returned 1                                                                           
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb66257a0 resetting                                                                          
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) condor_write(fd=3 <>,,size=13,timeout=20,flags=0)                                     
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb66257a0 adding fd 3 (socket:[594142])                                                      
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb66257a0 adding fd 3 (socket:[594142])                                                      
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb66257a0 adding fd 3 (socket:[594142])                                                      
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) selector 0x7fffb66257a0 adding fd 3 (socket:[594142])                                                      
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) CLOSE <> fd=3                                                                         
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Destroying Daemon object:                                                                                  
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) Type: 3 (schedd), Name: moema.cti.gov.br, Addr: <>                                    
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) FullHost: moema.cti.gov.br, Host: moema, Pool: (null), Port: 39045                                         
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487) IsLocal: Y, IdStr: (null), Error: (null)                                                                   
6/17 13:30:37 (fd:2) (pid:6487)  --- End of Daemon object info ---                                                                         
-- Submitter: moema.cti.gov.br : <> : moema.cti.gov.br                                                                

And that is while there is one job running. But the condor_q never shows it, while "condor_q -long" shows it.


On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 11:27 AM, Ian Chesal <ichesal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Try turning on debug messages for the command line tools. In your condor_config.local file on the machine add:


And then try:

condor_q -debug

See if that sheds some light on the problem...

- Ian
