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Re: [HTCondor-users] specify scratch directory on computation machine

My purpose is take advantage of fast disk on computer node, but they are not on shared filesystem, nor they are the path as configured as "condor_scratch_dir" I made a simple test code for testing, following your suggestion, I added "remote_initialdir", so my condor script looks like

Universe = vanilla
Executable = 1.exe
should_transfer_files = YES
when_to_transfer_output = on_exit
transfer_executable = True
Requirements = (Machine == "xxxxxxx")
remote_initialdir = /home/zzz <--- I created this directory on computation machine in advance
transfer_output_files = /home/zzz/

When this job is submitted, I can see output files are generated on remote_initialdir, and they are transferred back to the machine and directory where the job was submitted. The problem I am having is

(1) the output files generated on remote_initialdir were still there after job was done, they were not deleted automatically. (2) If I put some other files on the remote_initialdir before I submit the job, all the old and newly generated files will be transferred back. I only need newly generated files related to this job. This job is just a test case, my real job will involve hundreds of output file, so I can only specify directory instead of list each individual output file names.



On 6/4/2014 7:50 AM, Zachary Miller wrote:
On Tue, Jun 03, 2014 at 10:54:04PM -0400, Jiande Wang wrote:
Then I further add "environment = <CONDOR_SCRATCH_DIR>=</tmp/zzz/>", I
still get output file. However, when I login to computation node during
the job running time, check file and disk usage on "/tmp/zzz", I can't
see anything. So how do I confirm that the directory/disk I specified
here is really being used by condor as scratch? Also how do I check what
is the default scratch directory?
The user does not get to control the scratch dir through the submit file.
Rather, the admin of the execute machine sets it up using the EXECUTE macro
in the condor_config file, and Condor then sets the _CONDOR_SCRATCH_DIR in
the environment of the job.

I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to do.  You might also be interested
in setting "Initial_Dir" in the submit file to control the current working
directory when the job starts.  More info can be found here:


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