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Re: [Condor-users] running a perl/script app using condor...

in looking through the condor_submit/job submit section of the docs, it
refers to providing condor the 'exe' name. however, i'm trying to figure out
how i'd go about providing the name of the perl app/perl command to run the
perl script on a machine.


i type [foo]#perl foo.pl

how would i submit 'perl foo.pl' to condor in the submit file.


Have you read the Section 2.5 of the Condor Manual? It has a bunch of example job submissions:


It's likely that you have perl pre-installed on all of your computers, since most Linux installations have perl installed. Therefore, you can do something like this if you have a shared file system:

universe = vanilla
executable = /usr/bin/perl
transfer_executable = false
arguments = foo.pl
output = foo.output
error = foo.error

If you don't have a shared filesystem:

universe = vanilla
executable = /usr/bin/perl
transfer_executable = false
arguments = foo.pl
output = foo.output
error = foo.error
should_transfer_files = yes
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT

also, i was under the impression that i could setup nfs for condor to allow
the inpput perl scripts to be read from an nfs dir, as well as to have
output files written to a nfs share. however, i can't seem to find a
refernece that explains/demonstrates how to accomplish this...

The Condor manual does not explain how to set up NFS. I'm no expert with NFS, but a quick Google search found this:


Section 2.5.3 explains how to submit jobs when you have a shared filesystem.
