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[Condor-users] Problems submitting a GRAM job to Condor java universe

Hi there,

I have a problem when I submit a java job to Condor using globus GRAM.

Here is my globus job description

aolias@aolias:~/GRAM_sample$ cat  simple_java_condor_test2.xml

  <condorsubmit name="Universe">Java</condorsubmit>
  <condorsubmit name="Requirements">True</condorsubmit>
  <condorsubmit name="java_vm_args">-classpath
/home/aolias/GRAM_sample -Xmx64M</condorsubmit>

I had a previous problem with classpath, so I had to setup a classpath
to my class. This is ok, because I am running condor on my machine,
but this file should be transferred to any condor pool.

When I submit the job, seems to be a valid globus job, but gets frozen
when condor tries to execute it.

globusrun-ws -submit   -Ft Condor  -f simple_java_condor_test2.xml
Submitting job...Done.
Job ID: uuid:fd61dc6e-42f9-11db-b8de-00123f5d4535
Termination time: 09/14/2006 07:32 GMT
Current job state: Pending
Current job state: Active

Then if I check java.err
aolias@aolias:~/GRAM_sample$ cat java.err
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: CondorJavaWrapper

What is wrong or bad configured?
Is there any document/link where I can see howto send a job to the
condor java universe???

Thanks in advance