[Sigarch-members] SIGARCH-MSG: 1st September 2007 Digest of SIGARCH Messages

Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2007 12:06:07 -0500
From: "Doug Burger" <dburger@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Sigarch-members] SIGARCH-MSG: 1st September 2007 Digest of SIGARCH Messages
This is the 1st September 2007 Digest of SIGARCH Messages (sigarch-sep07a):

* SIGARCH Distinguished Service Award
  Submittted by Doug Burger <dburger@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

* dasCMP 2007 Call for Papers: Workshop on Design, Architecture and 
  Simulation of Chip Multi-Processors
  Submitted by Rakesh Kumar <rakeshk@xxxxxxxx>

* ISPASS 2008 Call for Papers: International Symposium on Performance Analysis of 
  Systems and Software ? ISPASS-2008
  Submitted by Ould-ahmed-vall, Elmoustapha <elmoustapha.ould-ahmed-vall@xxxxxxxxx>

  Submitted by Mohamed Zahran <mzahran@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

* Computer Architecture Letters online
  Submitted by Kevin Skadron <skadron@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

* HPCA '08 Call for Workshops and Tutorials: 14th International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture
  Submitted by Liqun Cheng <legion@xxxxxxxxxxx>

* HPCA '08 Call for Industrial Track Submissions
  Submitted by Liqun Cheng <legion@xxxxxxxxxxx>

* SMART'08 Call for Papers: 2nd Workshop on Statistical and Machine learning approaches
  to ARchitecture and compilaTion
  Submitted by Grigori Fursin <grigori.fursin@xxxxxxxx>

* IEEE Micro Special Issue (May/June 2008) Call for Papers: Interaction of Computer 
  Architecture and Operating Systems in the Many-core Era
  Submitted by Onur Mutlu <onur@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

* MSPC '08 Call for Papers: Workshop on Memory System Performance and
  Submitted by Brad Chen <bradchen@xxxxxxxxxx>

--Doug Burger
SIGARCH Information Director

* Archive: http://lists.cs.wisc.edu/archive/sigarch-members/
* Web pages: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~arch/www/, http://www.acm.org/sigarch/
* To remove yourself from the SIGARCH mailing list:
  mail listserv@xxxxxxx with message body: unsubscribe SIGARCH-MEMBERS

Doug Burger			  Office:	       3.432 ACES
Associate Professor		  Phone:	     512-471-9795
Department of Computer Sciences	  Assistant:	     512-232-7460
The University of Texas at Austin Fax:		     512-232-1413
1 University Station, #C0500	  E-mail:   dburger@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Austin, TX 78712-1188 USA	  www.cs.utexas.edu/users/dburger

* SIGARCH Distinguished Service Award

The ACM SIGARCH Distinguished Service Award

This annual award is presented to an individual who has contributed important service 
to the computer architecture community.

Recipients receive a memento engraved with their name along with a $1000 honorarium. 
The award is presented by the SIGARCH chair at ISCA during ISCA's award presentation 
session. The award recipient also receives up to $2000 towards support for travel costs, 
including airfare, hotel, and conference registration for ISCA. The recipient is listed 
with a citation for their award on a SIGARCH Distinguished Service Award web page.

The selection committee consists of 3 or more members and is appointed by the SIGARCH 
chair. The committee typically includes recent recipients of the award and current 
SIGARCH executive committee members. The committee solicits nominations from the 
computer architecture community in a variety of ways including announcements in SIGARCH's 
newsletter and postings on appropriate newsgroups and websites. The committee considers 
all external nominations, plus any internal nominations from members of the committee, 
in the context of the nominees' specific and general service contributions to the 
computer architecture community.


Nominations can be submitted at any time to the secretary/treasurer of SIGARCH. 
Nominations submitted by February 15th will be considered for that year's award. 
A nomination for the distinguished service award that is not awarded will remain valid 
for 3 years.

Each nomination should consist of the following items:

    * Name, address, phone number, and email address of the person making the nomination 
      (the nominator).
    * Name, address, phone number, and email address of the candidate for whom an award 
      is recommended (the nominee).
    * A short statement (200-500 words) explaining why the nominee deserves the award in 
    * Names and email addresses of 4-7 people who the nominator believes will support 
      the nomination.
    * The awards committee will ask some of these people for their opinions. 

The committee will not consider self-nominations.


* dasCMP 2007 Call for Papers: Workshop on Design, Architecture and 
  Simulation of Chip Multi-Processors

Call for Papers

Workshop on Design, Architecture and Simulation of Chip Multi-Processors

dasCMP 2007
Held in conjunction with the 40th Annual International Symposium on Microarchitecture
Sunday, December 2, 2007, Chicago

Norman P. Jouppi, HP Labs (norm.jouppi@xxxxxx)

Rakesh Kumar, UIUC (rakeshk@xxxxxxxx)

Dean M. Tullsen, UC San Diego (tullsen@xxxxxxxxxxx)


Goal of the Workshop


Chip multiprocessor architectures are becoming increasingly attractive as an option 
to provide high instruction throughput while keeping power and complexity under control. 
Such architectures have also been shown to have scalability and productivity advantages. 
Multi-core processors are fast becoming mainstream.


However, putting multiple cores on a die throws open several interesting research and 
design issues. From choosing the number of cores on the die to choosing the complexity 
of these cores, from constructing a chip multiprocessor out of off-the-shelf cores to 
creating a customized ``multi-core aware'' multi-core design, there are several difficult 
questions that need to be addressed. Connecting the cores, determining the right memory 
subsystem, ensuring coherence and consistency of data, and trying to limit the area and 
power budgets, all require a deep understanding of issues and innovative application of 
ideas. Even simulating and evaluating a chip multiprocessor represents a significant 
challenge. There are equally interesting issues regarding programming and compilation 
for chip multiprocessors. All these questions and issues become more difficult and 
complicated for architectures with more than two cores.


The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers, computer architects, and 
engineers working on a broad spectrum of topics pertaining to the architecture, simulation, 
and design of chip multiprocessors.  The workshop will provide a forum for presenting and 
exchanging new ideas and experiences in this area and to discuss and explore hardware/
software techniques and tools for efficient multi-core computation.


Contributions from all aspects of multi-core architecture, design and simulation are 
encouraged; related areas like application of CMPs to solve new problems and programming 
and compilation for CMP architectures are welcome as well.


Topics of Interest


The topics of interest for the workshop will include but are not limited to:

*Core design for CMPs, e.g. helper cores, conjoined-cores, heterogeneous multi-core 
 architectures, etc. 
*Novel Microarchitectures, e.g. tiled architectures, master-slave architectures, etc. 
*Interconnects in CMPs, e.g. connections between cores, connections between cores and 
 on-chip memory, networks-on-chip, etc. 
*Cache coherence and consistency for CMPs 
*On-chip/off-chip memory hierarchy and design for CMPs 
*Applications of CMP architectures for solving problems, e.g. using multiple cores to 
 enhance security, reliability, improve single-thread performance, reduce power, etc. 
*Speculative Multithreading for CMPs 
*Compiler, scheduling, and OS support for CMPs 
*Programmability enhancements for CMPs 
*Simulation and evaluation of CMPs, e.g. new simulators, simulation techniques, 
 analytical evaluations 
*Efficient design space exploration for multi-core architectures 
*Workload/benchmark design and analysis for multi-core processors 
*Performance evaluation/analysis/design of real multi-core processors 

Full length conference papers are fine but not a requirement. Out-of-the box idea/
position papers specially encouraged.

Program Committee (Incomplete List)

Michael Gschwind, IBM 
Norman P. Jouppi, HP 
Stephen Keckler, UT Austin 
Rakesh Kumar, UIUC 
Jim Laudon, Sun 
Kunle Olukotun, Stanford 
Mark Oskin, UWash 
Li-Shiuan Peh, Princeton 
Ronny Ronen, Intel 
Per Stenstrom, Chalmers 
Dean Tullsen, UCSD 


Submission Deadline: September 10, 2007 (one week extension upon request)

Acceptance Notification: November 6, 2007

Final Version due: November 18, 2007

For Questions, please email rakeshk@xxxxxxxx

* ISPASS 2008 Call for Papers: International Symposium on Performance Analysis of 
  Systems and Software ? ISPASS-2008


International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software ? ISPASS-2008


April 2-4, 2008

Austin, Texas


Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society?s TCI, TCCA, and TC-uARCH


The IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software provides 
a forum for sharing advanced academic and industrial research work focused on performance 
analysis in the design of computer systems and software. Authors are invited to submit 
previously unpublished work for possible presentation at this conference. Papers are 
solicited in fields that include the following:

- Benchmarking

- Workload characterization

- Simulation

- Analytical models

- Statistical approaches

- Performance metrics

- Microprocessor, memory, and disk performance issues

- Multi-core, multithreaded, and multiprocessor performance issues

- Performance of computer networks

- Performance analysis of software

- Performance of data-intensive applications

- Tuning of application code

- Tuning of system code

- Tracing, profiling, and simulation tools

- Bottleneck identification

- Power and thermal modeling

- Performance validation

- Characterization of emerging applications

- Case studies

- Confirmations or refutations of important prior results

Papers of no more than 22 double-spaced pages (no less than 11pt font), including figures, 
are solicited. Authors are requested to submit papers in PDF format. More information will 
be available on the ISPASS website (http://ispass.org) as the submission deadline approaches. 





Sandhya Dwarkadas, University of Rochester




Dean Tullsen, UC San Diego




 Michael Adler, Intel

 David Brooks, Harvard University

 David Christie, AMD

 Jamison Collins, Intel

 Lieven Eeckhout, Ghent University

 Babak Falsafi, CMU

 Paolo Faraboschi, HP

 Annie Foong, Intel

 Mike Gschwind, IBM

 Rajiv Gupta, UC Riverside

 Sudhanva Gurumurthi, University of Virginia

 Ravi Iyer, Intel

 Rakesh Kumar, UIUC

 Mikko Lipasti, Univ. of Wisconsin

 Gabriel Loh, Georgia Tech

 Geoff Lowney, Intel

 Vijay Pai, Purdue University

 Scott Rixner, Rice University

 Yiannakis Sazeides, University of Cyprus

 Tim Sherwood, UCSB

 Jim Smith, University of  Wisconsin

 Mark Squillante, IBM

 Pen-Chung Yew, University of Minnesota



Nasr Ullah, Freescale



Elmoustapha Ould-Ahmed-Vall, Intel



Nadeem Malik, IBM



Byeong Kil Lee, Texas Instruments



Leo Porter, UCSD



Russ Joseph, Northwestern University



 Tao Li, University of Florida



Rajeev Balasubramonian, University of Utah


Important Dates



Abstract due: September 21, 2007

Full submission due: September 28, 2007 (no extensions)

Notification of acceptance: December 17, 2007

Final version due: January 25, 2008


For more information, visit the ISPASS web site at http://ispass.org





To be held in conjunction with the
The 40th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO), 2007
Chicago, Illinois, USA

Workshop Theme

The tremendous advances in process technology provide architects and
microarchitects with many interesting opportunities for making use of
the huge transistor budget to enhance performance and increase
throughput. However, the complexity of software applications and
system software presents a challenging problem. The varying
requirements of the different applications running on a single
machine, as well as the changing behavior of a single application
during its lifetime, make choosing a suitable general purpose
architecture a big challenge. This raises the need for an architecture
that can adapt to the different requirements of the applications.The
power consumption limits and the growing importance of reliability
further add to the appeal of such
adaptive architectures.

The Reconfigurable and Adaptive Architecture Workshop provides a
high-quality forum for
computer scientists and engineers to present their latest research
findings in the rapidly
evolving field of reconfigurable and adaptive architectures.

Submission Topics

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

    * High performance adaptive and reconfigurable architectures
    * Power-Aware and Thermal-Aware architectures
    * Adaptive architectures for enhanced hardware reliability
    * Compilation techniques for adaptive and reconfigurable architectures
    * Dynamic compilation and runtime execution environments
    * Heterogeneous multiprocessing on a chip
    * Reconfigurable interconnection
    * Hardware/software trade-offs
    * Novel architectures and micro-architectures
    * Reconfigurable embedded computing systems
    * Memory management techniques
    * Static and dynamic profiling techniques
    * Program phase detection and exploitation techniques
    * Hardware acceleration through reconfiguration
    * Integration of FPGAs with microprocessors

Submission Guidelines

The Program Committee invites authors to submit papers up to 5000
words in length,
describing original, unpublished recent work related to the workshop theme.
Submission must be in pdf format and emailed to raaw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The submission should include the contact person's email address on
the front page.

The selected papers will be considered for publication in a special
theme issue of JILP.
At least one of the author(s) of an accepted paper is expected to
register for the workshop
and present the paper.

Important Deadlines
Paper Submission: September 18, 2007

Acceptance Notification: October 26, 2007

Final version of papers: November 12, 2007

Aneesh Aggarwal
Electrical and Computer Engineering
SUNY Binghamton

Pradip Bose
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center

Mohamed Zahran
Electrical Engineering
City University of New York

Program Committee
Bryan Black (AMD)
Alper Buyuktosunoglu (IBM)
Joel Emer (Intel)
Onur Mutlu (Microsoft)
Eric Rotenberg (NCSU)
Rajiv Gupta (UCR)
Scott Mahlke (UMich)
Amir Roth (UPenn)

Contact Us at raaw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


* Computer Architecture Letters online

New papers published online by IEEE Computer Architecture Letters

Computer Architecture Letters announces our two most recent papers,
which are available now via IEEE Xplore. We happy to report that, as
recognition of Computer Architecture Letters has grown, the submission
rate has nearly doubled this year.  We continue to seek new submissions
and remain committed to fast and accurate review.  Our mean time to
decision in 2007 has been 23 days, with an acceptance rate of
approximately 24%.  For more information on submission, please see

-  X. Xiao and J. Lee. "A Novel Parallel Deadlock Detection Algorithm and Hardware for 
Multiprocessor System-on-a-Chip."  Computer Architecture Letters, vol. 6, August 2007.

-  D. August, J. Chang, S. Girbal, D. Gracia-Perez, G. Mouchard, O. Temam, and 
N. Vachharajani. "UNISIM: An Open Simulation Environment and Library for Complex 
Architecture Design and Collaborative Development."  
Computer Architecture Letters, vol. 6, August 2007.

-  X. Xiao and J. Lee. "A Novel Parallel Deadlock Detection Algorithm and Hardware for 
Multiprocessor System-on-a-Chip."  Computer Architecture Letters, vol. 6, August 2007.

Given the projected dramatic increase in the number of processors and resources in a 
system-on-a-chip, a quadratic increase in the likelihood of deadlock is predicted due 
to complex system behavior. To deal with this issue, we here present a novel parallel 
hardware-oriented deadlock detection algorithm with O(1) deadlock detection and 
O(min(m,n)) preparation, where m and n are the numbers of processes and resources, 
respectively. Our contributions are (i) the first O(1) deadlock detection hardware 
implementation and (ii) a new algorithmic method of achieving O(min(m,n)) overall 
run-time complexity. We implement our algorithm in Verilog HDL and demonstrate that 
deadlock detection always takes only two clock cycles regardless of the size of a 
system (i.e., m and n).

-  D. August, J. Chang, S. Girbal, D. Gracia-Perez, G. Mouchard, O. Temam, and 
N. Vachharajani. "UNISIM: An Open Simulation Environment and Library for Complex 
Architecture Design and Collaborative Development."  
Computer Architecture Letters, vol. 6, August 2007.

Simulator development is already a huge burden for many academic and industry research 
groups; future complex or heterogeneous multi-cores, as well as the multiplicity of 
performance metrics and required functionality, will make matters worse. We present 
a new simulation environment, called UNISIM, which is designed to rationalize simulator 
development by making it possible and efficient to distribute the overall effort over 
multiple research groups, even without direct cooperation. UNISIM achieves this goal 
with a combination of modular software development, distributed communication protocols, 
multi-level abstract modeling, interoperability capabilities, a set of simulator services
APIs, and an open library/repository for providing a consistent set of simulator modules.


* HPCA Call for Workshops and Tutorials: 14th International Symposium on 
  High-Performance Computer Architecture

HPCA-08 Call for Workshop and Tutorial Proposals
14th International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture
Salt Lake City, Feb. 16-20, 2008, (collocated with PPoPP '08)

Deadline: September 24th, 2006
Send Workshop proposals to Mark Heinrich (heinrich@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
and Tutorial proposals to Jose Gonzalez (pepe.gonzalez@xxxxxxxxx)

We welcome proposals for workshops and tutorials related to computer
architecture. A complete list of topics of interest can be found in the HPCA-14
call for papers. See previous HPCAs (http://www.hpcaconf.org) for example
workshops and tutorials. Please submit your Workshop proposal (no more than 2
pages) to Mark Heinrich (heinrich@xxxxxxxxxxxx) and your tutorial proposal (no
more than 2 pages) to Jose Gonzalez (pepe.gonzalez@xxxxxxxxx) on or before
September 24th , 2007.

For workshops, please include in your proposal:

* title of the workshop
* organizers and their affiliations
* sample call for papers, including the workshop's main topics
* expected duration of the workshop; i.e., 1/2 day, full day, or 2 days
* if the workshop was previously held, the number of published papers and 
attendees at the last workshop

For tutorials, include:

* title of the tutorial
* organizers, presenters, and their affiliations
* abstract of the tutorial
* a list of topics to be covered and some of their related bibliography
* expected duration of the tutorial; i.e., 1/2 day, full day, or 2 days
* if the tutorial was previously held, the location (i.e., which 
conference), date, and number of attendees at the last tutorial


HPCA '08 Call for Industrial Track Submissions

The 14th International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA-14) will include a session on the architecture of emerging compute platforms, including processors, caches, memory interconnects, and I/O. The objective of this session is to provide a unique forum for industry leaders to present their perspective on technical challenges and the approaches to resolve them. Presenting such technical challenges will also encourage the research community to investigate solutions. The session will include a small number of papers (approximately 3-5) selected based on depth and relevance to the HPCA audience. Please note that for this session, we are soliciting papers from industry (researchers from academia can be included as co-authors, but the work needs to be done in industry, with main contributions coming from industry authors).
Designers and developers involved in some aspect of industrial computer systems design and development are invited to submit a paper d!
 escribing new challenges, issues, and opportunities that need or can be addressed in the next-generation computer systems. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
¥	Implications of circuit technology: noise, process variation, and memory scaling 
¥	Architectural issues with deeply scaled CMOS 
¥	Design complexity and verification 
¥	Power, energy, and temperature 
¥	Systems reliability 
¥	Implications of software on architecture 
¥	Architectures for new application domains 
¥	Microarchitecture 
¥	Chip-level parallel systems 
¥	Memory systems 
¥	Storage systems 
¥	Interconnect and network interfaces 
¥	Innovative architectural paradigms 
¥	Innovative hardware/software trade-offs 
¥	Impact of compilers on architectures 
¥	Performance evaluation of real machines 
Authors are requested to submit their abstracts for consideration to the chair, Pradeep Dubey (pradeep.dubey@xxxxxxxxx) no later than 11:59PM PST September 29th, 2007. Submissions should be PDF files and s!
 hould not exceed 10 pages (around 3,000 words). Authors will b!
 e notifi
ed of inclusion in the conference on October 27th, 2007. Accepted papers will be printed in the HPCA Proceedings and the authors will present their work at the conference. Presentations will be posted on the conference website.
Chair: Pradeep K. Dubey, Intel Corporation


* SMART'08 Call for Papers: 2nd Workshop on Statistical and Machine learning approaches
  to ARchitecture and compilaTion

Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this call.

                              CALL FOR PAPERS

                              2nd Workshop on

                 Statistical and Machine learning approaches
                       to ARchitecture and compilaTion


                     January 27, 2008, Goteborg, Sweden

                  (co-located with HiPEAC 2008 Conference)


The rapid rate of architectural change has placed enormous pressure on
compiler writers to keep pace with microprocessor evolution.  This
problem is compounded by the current trend to have multi-cores and
multi-threading which makes such systems increasingly difficult to
target.  Also, current methods of designing computer systems will no
longer be feasible in 10-15 years time; what is needed are new
innovative approaches to architecture design that scale both with
advances in underlying technology and with future application domains.

In recent years, several papers have been published showing great
potential in constructing compilers and architectures using approaches
such as machine learning and search.

The purpose of this workshop is to promote new ideas and to present
recent developments in compiler and architecture design using machine
learning, statistical approaches, and search in order to enhance their
performance, scalability, and adaptability.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

Machine Learning, Statistical Approaches, or Search applied to

* Feedback-Directed Compilation 
* Auto-tuning Programs + Language Extensions
* Library Generators
* Iterative Compilation 
* Dynamic Compilation/Adaptive Execution 
* Parallel Compiler Optimizations 
* Low-power Optimizations 
* Simulation 
* Performance Models 
* Adaptive Processor and System Architecture 
* Design Space Exploration 
* Other Topics relevant to Intelligent and Adaptive Compilers/Architectures

**** Paper Submission Guidelines ****
Paper length - maximum  15 pages.

Papers must be submitted in the PDF (preferably) or postscript
formats. Email your submissions to mob@xxxxxxxxxxxx or use
the workshop submission website.

Proceedings: An informal collection of the papers to be presented will
be distributed at the workshop. Questions regarding the workshop
proceedings should be forwarded to mob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

All accepted papers will appear on the workshop website.

****  Important Dates ****

Deadline for submission: November  2, 2007 
Decision notification: November 30, 2007

Workshop: January 27, 2008


Michael O'Boyle, University of Edinburgh UK

Program Committee  

Francois Bodin, IRISA, France
Calin Cascaval, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
John Cavazos, University of Delaware, USA
Lieven Eeckhout, Ghent University, Belgium
Ari Freund, IBM Haifa Research Lab, Israel
Grigori Fursin, INRIA Futurs, France
Michael O'Boyle, University of Edinburgh UK
David Padua, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Devika Subramanian, Rice University, USA
Olivier Temam, INRIA Futurs, France
Matthew J. Thazhuthaveetil, Indian Institute of Science, India 
Richard Vuduc, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
David Whalley, Florida State University, USA
Chris Williams, University of Edinburgh, UK 


* IEEE Micro Special Issue (May/June 2008) Call for Papers: Interaction of Computer 
  Architecture and Operating Systems in the Many-core Era


IEEE Micro Special Issue (May/June 2008)
Interaction of Computer Architecture and Operating Systems
in the Many-core Era


Sangyeun Cho (cho@xxxxxxxxxxx), University of Pittsburgh
Tao Li (taoli@xxxxxxxxxxx), University of Florida
Onur Mutlu (onur@xxxxxxxxxxxxx), Microsoft Research

Practices and conventions in architecting and designing a microprocessor are
undergoing dramatic changes. Squeezing performance from a single, fast, and large core 
has become a difficult proposition, while incorporating multiple processor cores on a 
silicon die is relatively effortless thanks to the continuing advances in process technology.
Major microprocessor vendors are currently marketing multicore processors, carrying two to 
eight cores and supporting up to a few dozens of threads simultaneously. Doubling the number 
of cores in a processor chip with each process technology generation is now conventional 
wisdom, and the era of "many-core" processors is around the corner.

As the Operating System (OS) or system software in general (including hypervisors or virtual 
machine monitors), is the centerpiece of a computer system managing various platform hardware 
resources, the breathtaking evolution of the many-core processor architecture will require a 
fundamental reexamination of mainstream OS/system-software design decisions. In turn, the 
evolution of many-core processor architecture will be successfully sustained by the new 
capabilities and features added to the OS, perhaps with support from hardware. Many important 
processor resource management issues, including support for Quality of Service (QoS) and 
differentiated services, fault tolerance and faulty resource isolation, power and thermal 
control, and efficient virtual machine support, will be best dealt with by a combination 
and/or cooperation of novel and well-conceived OS/system-software and hardware architecture 
techniques. Good interaction between the OS/system-software and new many-core architectures 
will be essential to successful design of highly efficient and effective computer systems.

The purpose of this special issue of the IEEE Micro magazine is to bring readers the latest 
advances in the interface of the fields of operating systems and computer architecture, with 
a focus on how the important system software affects the architecture design and vice versa, 
in order to achieve increasingly involved platform and system design goals. We are soliciting 
contributions in areas including but not limited to the following:

* Architecture/OS/system-software support for efficient programming, 
  including parallel programming
* Architecture/OS/system-software support for virtualization and virtual machines
* Architecture/OS/system-software support for memory hierarchy management
* Architecture/OS/system-software support for processor management 
  (scheduling and heterogeneity)
* Architecture/OS/system-software support for reliability enhancement
* Architecture/OS/system-software support for low power consumption and
  efficient management of energy/power consumption
* Architecture/OS/system-software support for system dependability, 
  availability and security
* Architecture/OS/system-software support for input/output processing
* Architecture/OS/system-software support for providing quality of service to applications
* Architecture/OS/system-software support for multithreading, synchronization, 
  and parallelism

Papers due: January 5, 2008 (there will be no extension)
Author notification: February 20, 2008
Final versions due: March 13, 2008
Publication: May/June 2008

Log onto IEEE CS Manuscript Central at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/cs-ieee, and submit 
your manuscript. For questions, please contact the IEEE Micro magazineassistant at 

For the manuscript submission, acceptable file formats include Microsoft Word and PDF. 
Manuscripts should not exceed 5,000 words (with each average-size figure counting as 
150 words toward this limit), including references. Please include all figures and 
tables, as well as a cover page with author contact information (name, postal address, 
phone, fax, and e-mail address) and a 200-word abstract. Submitted manuscripts must not 
have been previously published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere, and all 
manuscripts must be cleared for publication. Accepted articles will be edited for structure, 
style, clarity, and readability.

For more information, please visit the IEEE Micro Author Center, online at


* MSPC '08 Call for Papers: Workshop on Memory System Performance and

The 2008 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Memory Systems Performance & Correctness (MSPC 2008)
2 March 2008 - Seattle, Washington USA
Co-located with ASPLOS 2008

Call for Papers

OVERVIEW  As CPUs rely increasingly on parallelism rather than
frequency to improve performance, the memory system emerges as the
fundamental barrier to continued improvement in system-level
performance. Previous tactics like increasing cache size and
associativity become less and less relevant in a world where NUMA
memory behaviors and inter-processor contention dominate application
performance. MSPC is a forum for exploring these emerging
challenges. This multi-disciplinary workshop fosters collaboration
among researchers in compilers, programming languages, architecture,
operating systems and adjacent specialties. We welcome position papers
on all aspects of memory system performance and correctness. Areas of
interest include but are not limited to the following topics:

* Analysis of memory systems performance, including power, bandwidth,and latency 
* Static and dynamic techniques for understanding and improving memory performance 
* Hardware and software techniques for ensuring memory safety and detecting 
  memory-related bugs 
* Hardware memory models and their impact on software
* Transactional memory and other new programming models for expressing parallelism 
* Managed memory and garbage collection technologies
* Memory hierarchy design for chip multiprocessors (CMPs)
* Understanding and improving OS subsystems such as page placement and scheduling 
* Exploitation of new storage technologies such as non-volatile memory

WORKSHOP FORMAT  MSPC 2008 is adopting a new format to encourage exploration of the 
most disruptive problems and the most radical solutions in the space. Towards this end 
we encourage submissions in two formats:

* Position papers may present preliminary experimental results, new analysis of previous 
experiments, emerging technical challenges, or experiences and opportunities in the context 
of real-world systems.  
* Position abstracts should clearly state a position and the related experience or course 
of action as relevant to MSPC.  

SUBMISSION GUIDELINES  Position papers should not exceed sixpages. Typical abstracts will 
be one or two pages in length. Minimum font size is 10 point for all submissions. 
Papers should be submitted electronically through the workshop web site 
(http://www.cs.umass.edu/MSPC08). Accepted papers and abstracts will be made available 
as hard copy at the workshop.  Position papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library.

Key Information

* Submissions due: 6 November 2007, at 11:59:59 PM Eastern time
* Notification: 21 December 2007
* Final papers due: 28 January 2008
* Workshop Web Site: http://www.cs.umass.edu/MSPC08

Organizing Committee

General Chair   Emery Berger,  University of Massachusetts Amherst

Program Chair   Brad Chen, Google 
Ali-Reza Adl-Tabatabai, Intel
Emery Berger, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Cliff Click, Azul Systems
Bruce Jacob, University of Maryland
Jeremy Manson, Google
Sally McKee, Cornell University
Trevor Mudge, University of Michigan
Onur Mutlu, Microsoft Research
Erez Petrank, Technion
Valentina Salapura, IBM
Michael Swift, University of Wisconsin
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