[Gems-users] Using negative default values

Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2005 22:18:14 +0100 (BST)
From: Brinda Ganesh <brinda_ganesh@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Gems-users] Using negative default values

I have added extra parameters into ruby configuration
file. I want to set the default values of these
parameters to be negative. I am testing the setup of
these values using the tester_exec. I get the
following errors during initialization

 error: in fn set_error_t initvar_set_attr(void*,
void*, attr_value_t*) in config/config.include:215:
error: DRAM_t_bus is not an integer
error: in fn int
confio_t::applyConfiguration(attr_value_t*) in
../common/ioutil/confio.C:452: error: "DRAM_t_bus" u
nable to set value: 1

I defined the parameter DRAM_t_bus as
in config.include. 

Could you please tell me how I could initialize these
values as negative?  


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