[Gems-users] Removing Supervisor instructions from Opal Simulation

Date: 25 Feb 2010 14:07:50 -0600
From: ubaid001@xxxxxxx
Subject: [Gems-users] Removing Supervisor instructions from Opal Simulation

I want to simulate a multi core system in Opal which executes only the User instructions.

The m_fetch_at data is helpful in this measure. I have pasted the code which i used in the fetchInstSimple() in pseq.C in Opal.

I check if the PC belongs to a supervisor instructions by this code.
pstate_s = m_fetch_at[proc]->pstate;
priv_s = ((pstate_s & 0x4) == 0x4);

if (priv_s){
	fprintf (pctrace,"--------Processor : %d--------\n",m_id);
fprintf (pctrace,"SuperVisor Instructions fetchPhyPC : 0x%0llx\n ",fetchPhysicalPC);

//I advance simics
M_PSTATE->simcontinue( 1, proc );

//Am not sure abt this part. In order to prevent a squash due to inconsistency, //I copy the simics register to Opal .

m_fetch_at[proc]->pc  = M_PSTATE->getControl(CONTROL_PC, proc);
m_fetch_at[proc]->npc = M_PSTATE->getControl(CONTROL_NPC, proc);
m_fetch_at[proc]->tl  = M_PSTATE->getControl(CONTROL_TL, proc);
m_fetch_at[proc]->pstate = M_PSTATE->getControl( CONTROL_PSTATE, proc );
m_fetch_at[proc]->cwp = M_PSTATE->getControl(CONTROL_CWP, proc);
m_fetch_at[proc]->gset = pstate_t::getGlobalSet( m_fetch_at[proc]->pstate );
 if ( ISADDRESS32(m_fetch_at[proc]->pstate) ) {
	m_fetch_at[proc]->pc  = AM64( m_fetch_at[proc]->pc );
	m_fetch_at[proc]->npc = AM64( m_fetch_at[proc]->npc );

m_ooo.at[proc] = *(m_fetch_at[proc]);
m_inorder[proc].at[proc] = *(m_fetch_at[proc]);


//It is a user instruction . I proceed normally.


The problem is that once the processor hits a Supervisor Instructions it stalls at the same PC. It doesn't move on to the next instruction.It keeps fetching the same Supervisor Intsruction.

What am I doing wrong?


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